went to Montana this weekend (we go about 3x/year for some camping and shopping)
anyways everytime I go I always get so annoyed with back home
12bottle case of miller chill $9-10.. back home 24-26!!!
most 6pack bottles of beer were 5-7.50!!! 12-15 at home
gas! premium was 3.99/gal.. did the math.. that equals 95c/litre!!!!! for premium!!
what the hell! they must barely any taxes on their gas and no sin tax at all..
best part highways are 70-75mph.. so 112km-120! on little roads haha.. so I was doing about 130-140.. the s4 had a good time down there too (first time I took it down that far and no issues haha)
average gas on the computer was 8.7l/100km so like 32mpg or close.. not too shabby at all that was 130 most of the time and a few nice passing zones up to say 170ish
fun weekend anyways just annoyed with our lame prices..
anyways everytime I go I always get so annoyed with back home
12bottle case of miller chill $9-10.. back home 24-26!!!
most 6pack bottles of beer were 5-7.50!!! 12-15 at home
gas! premium was 3.99/gal.. did the math.. that equals 95c/litre!!!!! for premium!!
what the hell! they must barely any taxes on their gas and no sin tax at all..
best part highways are 70-75mph.. so 112km-120! on little roads haha.. so I was doing about 130-140.. the s4 had a good time down there too (first time I took it down that far and no issues haha)
average gas on the computer was 8.7l/100km so like 32mpg or close.. not too shabby at all that was 130 most of the time and a few nice passing zones up to say 170ish
fun weekend anyways just annoyed with our lame prices..
