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Don't text in front of a pan handler at stop lights.......

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  • #46
    Re: Don't text in front of a pan handler at stop lights.......

    Originally posted by Tuna View Post
    hmm, it was a joke, but yes, that would be tough. Luckily I didn't go through with it yesterday.

    Regardless, they said they aren't doing it here. Unless of course they lied.
    Don't Panic, I'm Hispanic


    • #47
      Re: Don't text in front of a pan handler at stop lights.......

      Originally posted by Deuce View Post
      I hear ya... well... sort of. Isn't there is always discretion and ambiguity in laws?
      That said... I suppose this "Distracted Driving Law" is likely the traffic law with the most discretion/ambiguity.

      Hmmm... then again... with some of the horrendous drivers I see here in Calgary on a daily basis... maybe not.
      There are laws/requirements needed to obtain a driver's license... aren't there?
      Yes, there always is discretion at some level or another for any law. After all, a cop could choose to look the other way over anything if he or she wanted to. However, overlooking certain laws may get them in more trouble over others. For example, overlooking an assault versus someone littering. Surely the overlooking of an assault would land him or her in much more trouble than the latter.
      Also, I will admit that discretion is good for some laws. For instance, laws pertaining to domestic disputes. There is a mandatory arrest policy for domestic disputes. All an officer needs is probable cause for an arrest (which means they need to believe on reasonable and probable grounds that violence has occurred, they do not have to actually witness it). Now, I am 100% against any form of domestic violence of course but I am sure you are able to imagine how a story could be doctored by one party leading to the arrest of another. In this situation, the officer's hands are tied and they must make an arrest due to a lack of discretion.
      In the case of distracted driving laws I believe that discretion should be minimized. I realize that discretion cannot be ruled out completely because that is just impossible, however, there are definitely ways that the law could remove so much of the ambiguity.
      All this being said, from the view of the State why would "they" want to limit discretion in this case? That is what makes "them" money!

      Cash grab.


      • #48
        Re: Don't text in front of a pan handler at stop lights.......

        Originally posted by popp View Post
        have you ever been arrested by sas?
        Lets look at it from another perspective.
        Lets say it becomes very normal for police officers not to identify themselves in a official manner.
        Lets say this happened late at night, a pan handler with a same sign approaches a female driver? She rolls down her window to get a ticket or to speak to a 'cop' with the 'I am a police officer' sign., but the guy is not a cop. He attacks and rapes her? Then what? For arguments sake, lets say the female driver is your mother, wife, sister or girlfriend.
        It sets a dangerous precedent.
        Current: 2002 Zonda CRV
        2004 VW MK4 1.8T GTI
        2001 Ford Focus 1.8 Zetec (European)


        • #49
          Re: Don't text in front of a pan handler at stop lights.......

          Originally posted by wildfire View Post
          for arguments sake, lets say the female driver is your mother, wife, sister or girlfriend.
          mine are all ninja's............

          I don't think cops would ever pull this tactic after sundown for that exact reason.
          Don't Panic, I'm Hispanic


          • #50
            Re: Don't text in front of a pan handler at stop lights.......

            Originally posted by popp View Post
            mine are all ninja's............

            I don't think cops would ever pull this tactic after sundown for that exact reason.
            Pretty sure that there is a rule that cops can't be walking on the roadway after a certain hour. Cause lazering people and walking out to get them to pull over in the dark is pretty sketchy.
            Calgary Autoworks

            2004.5 Jetta GLI
            2005 Audi Allroad


            • #51
              Re: Don't text in front of a pan handler at stop lights.......

              Originally posted by BaggedGLI View Post
              Pretty sure that there is a rule that cops can't be walking on the roadway after a certain hour. Cause lazering people and walking out to get them to pull over in the dark is pretty sketchy.

              I have definitely been lazered and pulled over at night before.


              • #52
                Re: Don't text in front of a pan handler at stop lights.......

                Highway two, is packed with cops at night. Startles the hell out of you, when you go past someone at highway speed in the middle of the night, and they have no lights on.


                • #53
                  Re: Don't text in front of a pan handler at stop lights.......

                  I was talking about officers set up with a gun on the side of the road, not pulling you over in their car or lasering from their car.
                  Calgary Autoworks

                  2004.5 Jetta GLI
                  2005 Audi Allroad


                  • #54
                    Re: Don't text in front of a pan handler at stop lights.......

                    Originally posted by popp View Post
                    mine are all ninja's............

                    I don't think cops would ever pull this tactic after sundown for that exact reason.

                    I totally agree.
                    If it becomes so 'normal' for police officers out of uniform to give tickets like this, then 'non police officers' may pull this tactic after sundown. There are some innocent people who may not be aware of that.

                    Lets say RCMP in Calgary do follow suit. Then one evening someone gets attacked. RCMP have shot themselves in the foot with this. They have the powers under legislation to enforce the law without dressing up as hobo's.
                    Current: 2002 Zonda CRV
                    2004 VW MK4 1.8T GTI
                    2001 Ford Focus 1.8 Zetec (European)


                    • #55
                      Re: Don't text in front of a pan handler at stop lights.......

                      Originally posted by BaggedGLI View Post
                      Pretty sure that there is a rule that cops can't be walking on the roadway after a certain hour. Cause lazering people and walking out to get them to pull over in the dark is pretty sketchy.
                      My nephew got lasered on Glenmore doing 160km in his mum's Bentley at 3am. The cop walked out in the middle of the road and signalled him to pull over.
                      Court appearance. One month suspension and a $750 fine...
                      Current: 2002 Zonda CRV
                      2004 VW MK4 1.8T GTI
                      2001 Ford Focus 1.8 Zetec (European)


                      • #56
                        Re: Don't text in front of a pan handler at stop lights.......

                        Originally posted by BaggedGLI View Post
                        I was talking about officers set up with a gun on the side of the road, not pulling you over in their car or lasering from their car.

                        I know. I was lazered from the side of the road and the officer then stepped into the lane and pulled me over.
                        Exit ramp off Deerfoot to Soutland Drive I believe, was quite a few years ago. It was probably around 11:30pm.
                        Last edited by DonDavis; 03-23-2012, 01:49 PM.


                        • #57
                          Re: Don't text in front of a pan handler at stop lights.......

                          I would think that would be a workplace hazard thing?
                          Calgary Autoworks

                          2004.5 Jetta GLI
                          2005 Audi Allroad


                          • #58
                            Re: Don't text in front of a pan handler at stop lights.......

                            Well officers and emergency workers obviously have many added workplace hazards compared to other jobs.


                            • #59
                              Re: Don't text in front of a pan handler at stop lights.......

                              True. But that is one that is easily avoided.
                              Calgary Autoworks

                              2004.5 Jetta GLI
                              2005 Audi Allroad


                              • #60
                                Re: Don't text in front of a pan handler at stop lights.......

                                Absolutely! I don't disagree that it is unsafe. I suppose that is why they wear the reflective vests and whatnot. Obviously a step in a safer direction.
                                As a part of the job that makes money rather than costing money it is understandable why there are limited laws around ticketing.
                                And ultimately any officer has to use their own discretion with regards to stepping out or not and I am sure they are trained to make such decisions at least somewhat.

