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Boo Concept 1 you suck, Cheers to CAW!!!

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  • #46
    Re: Boo Concept 1 you suck, Cheers to CAW!!!

    Ha Ha!!! Well done Patryk!!

    -2008 Avus Silver RS4-Fat ass II
    -1996 C4S-Fat Ass
    -2007 FJ Cruiser-6 speed


    • #47
      Re: Boo Concept 1 you suck, Cheers to CAW!!!

      Thanks Derek. I dont mean to be a d!ck, but it appears common sense needs to be drawn on a diagram for some people. Anyways to take out a bit of my frustration, I decided to do a little mod to my car.

      Went from this...

      to this...

      then onto this...

      Probably a mod that should have been done a long time ago. This is a mod like no other, it doesnt add HP or TQ, but definitely adds customer appreciation. FYI, Calgary Auto Works gives these out for free. Concept charges a buck or 2 for them. Support the business that shows appreciation for advertising!!!

      P.S. Step 2 is my favorite
      Instagram: @parkus08

      91 BMW 340is ///M-Tech II - Under construction
      08 VW .:R32
      04 Audi A4 Avant 1.8TQ


      • #48
        Re: FUK Concept 1 you suck, Cheers to CAW!!!

        Originally posted by Euro Dub PL View Post
        Sorry, but by your logic that would be like taking your taxes to an accountant, but before you get there, you research how to do your taxes on the internet, fill out all the proper T1 slips for them, and prepare all the documentation for the CRA. Then you pay him a hundred bucks to put it in an envelope, put a stamp in it and mail it. But before he mails it, you double check that the CRA Address is printed clearly and the stamp is on the proper side of the envelope. That way, in out BOOM, done. I mean having a tax specialist that offers such services is some what of a privilege wouldnt you say??? If they can't answer the Auditors questions, i'd take it upon myself to find out by other means before making it the accountants responsibility. Accountants are just people, just like you. MY 2 cents
        WRONG. taxes and car parts are a lil different bud, there's no charted accountants back there at C1, and they're selling you specialty car parts, NOT a specialty service, unless of course you get your car worked on there, and then a licensed mechanic should know what they re doing for the SERVICE they re providing. Now I don't believe your paying concept 1 any money for the Retail SERVICE there providing, unless I'm mistaken. in my opinion i just don't expect someone working retail to know better than me, its not a specialized field. ne pas?


        • #49
          Re: FUK Concept 1 you suck, Cheers to CAW!!!

          patryk arent you chrispls friend? I remember U! right?


          • #50
            Re: Boo Concept 1 you suck, Cheers to CAW!!!

            You've still got flawed logic all across the board. The specialty service is supposed to be VW part expertise, that's how they advertise themselves, yet that isn't what is obviously found. As stated by the numerous accounts previously stated. If you walk into any retail operation, you expect that the person working there has some modicum of knowledge on that which they're selling. Especially in a speciality shop where staff turnover is so low. So you want to buy product X, and you're fairly uninformed about it. You know that they sell this product, ergo you'd expect that someone working there would have a base understanding about it's function, and details on it's operation. If you want more in depth information, contact the manufacturer or see if anyone else there knows more about it.

            You pay the retail service for each item you buy, that service includes stocking parts, having staff, merchandising, and obviously all the costs you don't see on the price tag. Walking in and buying something off a shelf is one thing, as soon as you have a question, or would like a recommendation they're providing a service beyond just having a part available.

            Music to permeate your soul …
            MKIV Jetta GLS VR6 -PARTING OUT-

            What's Next?


            • #51
              Re: FUK Concept 1 you suck, Cheers to CAW!!!

              Originally posted by shoisfunky View Post
              in my opinion i just don't expect someone working retail to know better than me, its not a specialized field. ne pas?

              Last edited by popp; 07-12-2011, 08:41 PM.
              Don't Panic, I'm Hispanic


              • #52
                Re: Boo Concept 1 you suck, Cheers to CAW!!!



                Music to permeate your soul …
                MKIV Jetta GLS VR6 -PARTING OUT-

                What's Next?


                • #53
                  Re: Boo Concept 1 you suck, Cheers to CAW!!!

                  Can't figure out what that pictures means!!

                  -2008 Avus Silver RS4-Fat ass II
                  -1996 C4S-Fat Ass
                  -2007 FJ Cruiser-6 speed


                  • #54
                    Re: Boo Concept 1 you suck, Cheers to CAW!!!

                    Originally posted by MusicalGenius View Post
                    You've still got flawed logic all across the board. The specialty service is supposed to be VW part expertise, that's how they advertise themselves, yet that isn't what is obviously found. As stated by the numerous accounts previously stated. If you walk into any retail operation, you expect that the person working there has some modicum of knowledge on that which they're selling. Especially in a speciality shop where staff turnover is so low. So you want to buy product X, and you're fairly uninformed about it. You know that they sell this product, ergo you'd expect that someone working there would have a base understanding about it's function, and details on it's operation. If you want more in depth information, contact the manufacturer or see if anyone else there knows more about it.

                    You pay the retail service for each item you buy, that service includes stocking parts, having staff, merchandising, and obviously all the costs you don't see on the price tag. Walking in and buying something off a shelf is one thing, as soon as you have a question, or would like a recommendation they're providing a service beyond just having a part available.
                    I'm not defending C1, I was originally just offering how I get what I need from them hassle free and how I'm a little grateful to have such a place so close by. An advertisement is just that, an advertisement. its to get you in the door. thank you for enlightening me on retail service, I didn't know that. rightfully they should be able to tell you everything you wanna know. of course! I know its more than likely not gonna happen that way and to expect it seems like a bad plan, therefore I just prefer to do any sort of leg work prior to purchasing things and that seems more logical to me.


                    • #55
                      Re: Boo Concept 1 you suck, Cheers to CAW!!!

                      Originally posted by Euro Dub PL View Post

                      Probably a mod that should have been done a long time ago. This is a mod like no other, it doesnt add HP or TQ, but definitely adds customer appreciation.
                      nice thing about this mod is it takes a lot of headaches away, so thats gotta be good for like 500 AWHP!!
                      Last edited by 96vwVR6; 07-12-2011, 09:44 PM.
                      2017 VW Golf Sportwagen 4Motion DSG
                      2013 VW Jetta 2.5
                      2005 VW JTI 1.8T
                      1993 VW Jetta 2.0
                      1996 VW GTI VR6

                      1991 Ford F150 4X4
                      1989 Nissan Kingcab 2WD
                      1983 Buick Skylark


                      • #56
                        Re: Boo Concept 1 you suck, Cheers to CAW!!!

                        Originally posted by shoisfunky View Post
                        i'm not defending c1, i was originally just offering how i get what i need from them hassle free and how i'm a little grateful to have such a place so close by. An advertisement is just that, an advertisement. Its to get you in the door. Thank you for enlightening me on retail service, i didn't know that. Rightfully they should be able to tell you everything you wanna know. Of course! I know its more than likely not gonna happen that way and to expect it seems like a bad plan, therefore i just prefer to do any sort of leg work prior to purchasing things and that seems more logical to me.

                        2004 VW R32 Turbo


                        • #57
                          Re: Boo Concept 1 you suck, Cheers to CAW!!!

                          Originally posted by shoisfunky View Post
                          WRONG. taxes and car parts are a lil different bud, there's no charted accountants back there at C1, and they're selling you specialty car parts, NOT a specialty service, unless of course you get your car worked on there, and then a licensed mechanic should know what they re doing for the SERVICE they re providing. Now I don't believe your paying concept 1 any money for the Retail SERVICE there providing, unless I'm mistaken. in my opinion i just don't expect someone working retail to know better than me, its not a specialized field. ne pas?
                          Let me educate you a bit about what running a successful business means. Whether the business is retail, or specialty service, EVERY business has a mark up (whether its big or small) to cover the costs of operating the business and hopefully raise a profit. Now to consider concept 1, they are a service and a retail business. Considering the sign above their store says "Specializing in Volkswagens", I would assume the staff would know something about volkswagens. Even if they are only selling a part, this is called "customer service". I pay for this customer service in the markup that is on the product. This is the same as a number of different situations. Allow me to demonstrate:

                          1) When I go to BBQ's galore, a store that specializes in BBQ's, I would assume that the retail staff there knows about the BBQ's they are selling me. I would also assume that if I asked them the difference between a propane bbq and a natural gas bbq, they would be able to tell me the pros and cons of each. I would further assume that if I decided to purchase a propane bbq for a big party that evening, they would not sell me a natural gas bbq and play it off as if it is my fault.

                          2) When I go to Urban X, a store that specializes in tires, I would assume that the staff knows something about tires, and can tell me the difference between a summer, a winter and an all season tire. I would also assume that during the first snowstorm of the year when I order winter tires, they would not deliver a set of summer tires for me and leave me stranded.

                          3) When I go to Pizza Hut, a store that specializes in making pizzas, I would assume the staff know the toppings that come on their pizzas and can tell the difference between a Hawaiian, a Pepperoni, and a Deluxe. I would also assume that when I order a Pepperoni and go to pick it up, they would not grab a box with a hawaiian, give that to me, and then say that it is what I ordered.

                          4) When I go to Fisher's soccer shack, a store that specializes in soccer equipment, I would assume that the staff knows a thing or 2 about soccer. Therefore when I go in to order a Real Madrid soccer jersey, they do not come out and give me a Manchester United jersey just because it is a more common product.

                          5) When I phone a major oil and gas company and ask to speak to the controller, I would assume that the receptionist will forward me to the controller, and not to the building custodian (or Janitor if you wanna be a d!ck about it).

                          I could go on, but I believe this should make my point pretty clear. These are all examples of customer service, something that EVERY successful business must have. When customer service fails, the business fails. Employees are hired with the expectation of knowing the product they are selling, being honest, and helping resolve issues as they arise. When none of these qualifications are present, I see no reason there should be a markup on products. Everything should be sold at cost. When this happens, I will forgive customer service errors and the lack to solve them because I am not paying for customer service, I am only paying for the manufacturing of the product.

                          I feel really sorry for you if you have to investigate and learn every product you are about to die. Put the books down, put the keyboard down, go outside and enjoy life. It seems you're probably wasting alot of yours.

                          Edit..No I am not chrispl's friend. I do not believe we have ever met.
                          Last edited by P Arkus; 07-12-2011, 10:19 PM.
                          Instagram: @parkus08

                          91 BMW 340is ///M-Tech II - Under construction
                          08 VW .:R32
                          04 Audi A4 Avant 1.8TQ


                          • #58
                            Re: Boo Concept 1 you suck, Cheers to CAW!!!

                            ^ ^

                            best post ive read in quite some time
                            2017 VW Golf Sportwagen 4Motion DSG
                            2013 VW Jetta 2.5
                            2005 VW JTI 1.8T
                            1993 VW Jetta 2.0
                            1996 VW GTI VR6

                            1991 Ford F150 4X4
                            1989 Nissan Kingcab 2WD
                            1983 Buick Skylark


                            • #59
                              Re: Boo Concept 1 you suck, Cheers to CAW!!!

                              you're just pissed they gave you a filter for a city golf cause thats what you drive pat

                              Team Highschool
                              Twin Turbo Turbo Smurf Avant

                     - the home for all your turbo needs. PM me for details.


                              • #60
                                Re: Boo Concept 1 you suck, Cheers to CAW!!!

                                very eloquent post, and you have learned me, but im not the one whining about a oil filter chill out guy ****

