Today I came into work and as always I sit down, drink my coffee and read the internal classifieds posts that employees post. I came across this question where a lady was asking if anyone knew a mechanic that specializes in German cars, obviously I replied back with Tunedub. Then someone replied back suggesting Nurburgring Ltd. Apparently there's this guy Juan who also specializes in Germans cars.
I guess what I'm trying to get at is, has ony taken their car(s) to this guy? I've never heard of him nor his shop.
Today I came into work and as always I sit down, drink my coffee and read the internal classifieds posts that employees post. I came across this question where a lady was asking if anyone knew a mechanic that specializes in German cars, obviously I replied back with Tunedub. Then someone replied back suggesting Nurburgring Ltd. Apparently there's this guy Juan who also specializes in Germans cars.
I guess what I'm trying to get at is, has ony taken their car(s) to this guy? I've never heard of him nor his shop.