Hey all
Looking for suggestions for buying a device to add to my home stereo. Would like something with a built in display that plays Mp3 as well as Lossless audio files, has a built in hard drive or SSD, wifi to load songs onto it. Don't want it to need a TV or Computer monitor to be the interface, ideally it has its own remote control and own display and volume knobs etc.
Most of the ones out there seem to be geared at video/movies and require an onscreen interface on the TV or require that you use your computer to run them? I don't own a TV so this is purely going to be for music.
Looking for suggestions for buying a device to add to my home stereo. Would like something with a built in display that plays Mp3 as well as Lossless audio files, has a built in hard drive or SSD, wifi to load songs onto it. Don't want it to need a TV or Computer monitor to be the interface, ideally it has its own remote control and own display and volume knobs etc.
Most of the ones out there seem to be geared at video/movies and require an onscreen interface on the TV or require that you use your computer to run them? I don't own a TV so this is purely going to be for music.