Wish my job was "Recession-Proof"...
"Canadians may still be feeling the pain from a worldwide economic meltdown caused by reckless financial speculation, but Canada's business elite has preserved its privileged position," CCPA research associate Hugh Mackenzie says in the report, released Monday.
Mackenzie suggests that at this rate, "this handful of elite CEOs pocket the equivalent of the average Canadian wage by 2:30 pm on Jan. 3 — the first working day of the year."
Read more: http://www.cbc.ca/money/story/2011/0...#ixzz1A0BzxTtu
Mackenzie suggests that at this rate, "this handful of elite CEOs pocket the equivalent of the average Canadian wage by 2:30 pm on Jan. 3 — the first working day of the year."
Read more: http://www.cbc.ca/money/story/2011/0...#ixzz1A0BzxTtu