So now that my media room is fully functional, I'm looking for opinions on if it's worth it to have my projector professionally calibrated. As far as my eyes can tell the picture quality is absolutely amazing, but I keep being told (on AV forums) that it could be better. Does anyone know of a company (other than FS or BB) that does the service? What are your thoughts?
Equipment list for those interested:
Projector - Epson 8500UB
Screen - VisualApex 92"
Receiver/Amp - Onkyo TX-SR608
Speakers/Sub - AV123 ELT525 Series/MFW-15 sub
HTPC - Antec Fusion case w/ BR drive running WMC and TMT3
NAS - unRaid server with 11.5TB of storage (3/4 full lol!)
xbox 360 Slim
Equipment list for those interested:
Projector - Epson 8500UB
Screen - VisualApex 92"
Receiver/Amp - Onkyo TX-SR608
Speakers/Sub - AV123 ELT525 Series/MFW-15 sub
HTPC - Antec Fusion case w/ BR drive running WMC and TMT3
NAS - unRaid server with 11.5TB of storage (3/4 full lol!)
xbox 360 Slim