I have had it! I no longer enjoy driving my cars in calgary. I spend my summers in Ontario and the roads there are "okay at best". I come back to Calgary of +1,000,000 people and it's the worst roads I have ever experienced. EVER.
I have a cracked rim now, so Alex has ordered me a replacement.
I can't change lanes on deerfoot because of the lip. So I "curbed" my front driverside rim by trying.
The major roads (crowchild, glenmore, blackfoot, etc) have potholes and giant lips from bridges and passes. You can't tell me that city employees don't drive these roads also. How f'n hard is it to recognize a pot hole and fix it? Do the city employees take a special road that I'm unaware of???
If I drive slow enough to avoid the cracks and lips, then i'm under the speed limit and i have ppl tail gating my ass.
I want to put together some sort of petition on a website to raise concern of the uneducated/lazy road repair staff.
Additionally, It feels ridiculous that I can quite easily write "suggestions" that should be entirely obvious (to someone in that line of work). I.E. use a steam roller or portable roller on patches (not patting it with a shovel by a newfoundlander).
I spent a month in newfoundlast last year and i don't know why we hire them to fix our roads, considering the condition of theirs! can't we get more mexicians up here? Alex don't u have any family that needs work?
^ okay that part was in humour with a small ammount of truth to it.
but really though, i'm putting together a website with a petition and what i need are pictures. i'm going to drive around a bit and take photos of the conditions our tax money pays for. I'd love for the rest of the world to comment on the pure utter uneducated ignorance we have to deal with.
it's enough that i'm considering relocating. i can't enjoy driving here. it's a serious battle against my pocket book on tires, rims and suspension items.
I have a cracked rim now, so Alex has ordered me a replacement.
I can't change lanes on deerfoot because of the lip. So I "curbed" my front driverside rim by trying.
The major roads (crowchild, glenmore, blackfoot, etc) have potholes and giant lips from bridges and passes. You can't tell me that city employees don't drive these roads also. How f'n hard is it to recognize a pot hole and fix it? Do the city employees take a special road that I'm unaware of???
If I drive slow enough to avoid the cracks and lips, then i'm under the speed limit and i have ppl tail gating my ass.
I want to put together some sort of petition on a website to raise concern of the uneducated/lazy road repair staff.
Additionally, It feels ridiculous that I can quite easily write "suggestions" that should be entirely obvious (to someone in that line of work). I.E. use a steam roller or portable roller on patches (not patting it with a shovel by a newfoundlander).
I spent a month in newfoundlast last year and i don't know why we hire them to fix our roads, considering the condition of theirs! can't we get more mexicians up here? Alex don't u have any family that needs work?
^ okay that part was in humour with a small ammount of truth to it.
but really though, i'm putting together a website with a petition and what i need are pictures. i'm going to drive around a bit and take photos of the conditions our tax money pays for. I'd love for the rest of the world to comment on the pure utter uneducated ignorance we have to deal with.
it's enough that i'm considering relocating. i can't enjoy driving here. it's a serious battle against my pocket book on tires, rims and suspension items.