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Is there anything we can do to smarten up the city?

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  • Is there anything we can do to smarten up the city?

    I have had it! I no longer enjoy driving my cars in calgary. I spend my summers in Ontario and the roads there are "okay at best". I come back to Calgary of +1,000,000 people and it's the worst roads I have ever experienced. EVER.

    I have a cracked rim now, so Alex has ordered me a replacement.

    I can't change lanes on deerfoot because of the lip. So I "curbed" my front driverside rim by trying.

    The major roads (crowchild, glenmore, blackfoot, etc) have potholes and giant lips from bridges and passes. You can't tell me that city employees don't drive these roads also. How f'n hard is it to recognize a pot hole and fix it? Do the city employees take a special road that I'm unaware of???

    If I drive slow enough to avoid the cracks and lips, then i'm under the speed limit and i have ppl tail gating my ass.

    I want to put together some sort of petition on a website to raise concern of the uneducated/lazy road repair staff.

    Additionally, It feels ridiculous that I can quite easily write "suggestions" that should be entirely obvious (to someone in that line of work). I.E. use a steam roller or portable roller on patches (not patting it with a shovel by a newfoundlander).

    I spent a month in newfoundlast last year and i don't know why we hire them to fix our roads, considering the condition of theirs! can't we get more mexicians up here? Alex don't u have any family that needs work?

    ^ okay that part was in humour with a small ammount of truth to it.

    but really though, i'm putting together a website with a petition and what i need are pictures. i'm going to drive around a bit and take photos of the conditions our tax money pays for. I'd love for the rest of the world to comment on the pure utter uneducated ignorance we have to deal with.

    it's enough that i'm considering relocating. i can't enjoy driving here. it's a serious battle against my pocket book on tires, rims and suspension items.
    Turbo SVT Focus
    Audi S4 Stage 3++++++

  • #2
    Re: Is there anything we can do to smarten up the city?

    oh and before someone replies and says blah blah blah it costs money and it's hard to arrange road closures to fix repairs etc etc etc..


    a) fill up a truck with asphalt. drive around the city and scoop some into the holes. use a portable weight roller. drive to next pot hole, and repeat!

    b) my drive across canada, every time the road is "Grated", there is no lip!!! NEVER A LIP! and i drove across manitoba even, which employees peeps!! and they don't even leave a lip. I get into Alberta, and there are f'n lips on the grated lanes!!!! WTF ALBERTA?

    c) how about placing bumps signs AHEAD of the bump alberta?

    ^^ Those three things, that's all we need and the city would be fine.
    Last edited by R_Ethug; 09-16-2010, 10:07 PM.
    Turbo SVT Focus
    Audi S4 Stage 3++++++


    • #3
      Re: Is there anything we can do to smarten up the city?

      you gotta pay to play, *****.

      2010 Jetta TDI 6 SPD - Stock Comfortline model


      • #4
        Re: Is there anything we can do to smarten up the city?

        Hey DJ. Wanna cruise down McKnight later?

        2015 S4
        2018 Monster 1200S


        • #5
          Re: Is there anything we can do to smarten up the city?

          yea! who the **** decided to repave EVERY FUCKING ROAD at once in this **** hole!

          i've had it.. worst year ever to buy wheels for me..

          i agree DJ its not that hard to fix the frigging roads and make things decent

          who the **** leaves 3 lanes of unpainted lines and unevenness for all 3 lanes ALA deerfoot paving

          i'll be happy when its smooth. and that means smooth for 1-3 years max at which point it will turn to **** again from heavy ass trucks and over sized loads

          i don't plan on living in calgary for too many more years.. i hate it here nowadays
          as you said DJ its hard on your driving.. winter=paint,windshields death.. summer=suspension, wheels death.. **** it
          Last edited by R_Ethug; 09-16-2010, 04:53 PM.


          • #6
            Re: Is there anything we can do to smarten up the city?

            why don't you guys move to vancouver, where the girls are hotter, the weather is nicer, and it isn't close to edmonton?

            2010 Jetta TDI 6 SPD - Stock Comfortline model


            • #7
              Re: Is there anything we can do to smarten up the city?

              probably one of the most racist posts i've seen in a long time.

              But that aside I think your grossly over simplifying things in terms of the logistics it takes to do road repair. Every Mc Joe wants the pot hole at the end of their street fixed and because you don't see crews out in front of your house every year people assume the city is doing nothing, when there are huge road reconstruction projects going on right now.

              Sure city workers have a reputation of being lazy but its not the cities fault its the people working for them, the city doesn't have the money to employ a babysitter for every worker out on the street. Or the funds to have people fired, then hire and train a newby just to have to fire them a month later, so they work with what they can get

              And to be honest I don't think the city gives a damn if 10% of the population rollin low with rims and tims on has a bit of trouble getting around, because roads were never made for the person who decides to dump their ride obnoxiously low. I've never had any problems what so ever at stock ride height around the city.

              People always compare our roads to other cities but they fail to look at the amount of freeze thaw calgary goes through every year, our climate conditions for maintaining good quality roads are possibly one of the worst in NA so you can't compare. My street for example has to be dug up almost every second year because an underground spring causes the road to heave during the freeze thaw.
              Last edited by J-hop; 09-16-2010, 05:15 PM.


              • #8
                Re: Is there anything we can do to smarten up the city?

                Originally posted by aliencurv View Post
                can't we get more mexicians up here? Alex don't u have any family that needs work?
                I sold your wheel to C1.........they needed an extra as they sold one from their sets and needed to complete it.
                Don't Panic, I'm Hispanic


                • #9
                  Re: Is there anything we can do to smarten up the city?

                  Originally posted by luunta View Post
                  you gotta pay to play, *****.
                  i kind of agree. I've been through a few oil pans, but I lowered the car knowing what to expect.. so that's life I guess.

                  And you can't pave over puddles, so don't expect much change there until the weather improves.
                  -> '19 Deep Black Pearl Alltrack
                  -> '05 Urban Grey Passat Wagon TDI.
                  -> Past rides: '14 Allroad, 06 Mazda5, '98 Jetta K2, '01 Jetta TDI, '91 Mazda B2200, '81 Toyota Cressida
                  -> FutuRe Ride...??!


                  • #10
                    Re: Is there anything we can do to smarten up the city?

                    Theres not much you can do about the potholes around in the city. They come up as fast as they get patched. Perhaps more staffing would be a good idea, but then again, money is an issue. As far as for the city employees driving on these roads.....not all of them drive lowered cars on thin sidewalls. I would say at least 90% of the potholes around the city are easliy handled by everyday vehicles(which mostly are trucks. I have never seen this many pick up trucks in one city before..LOL) most of them just write it off as normal day to day roads. Until people call the city and start complaining about certain potholes, nothing will get done about it. And lets face it, the public doesn't want to be bothered calling the city and dealing with the BS they spew out of there mouths over the phone.

                    Perhaps we as a group/forum can pick a pot hole each week and have everyone on this forum call the city and complain about that particular pothole. It would be a good experiment to see how long it takes the city to respond to the publics complaints. Just tossing an idea out there.
                    Last edited by vee_dubbin; 09-16-2010, 06:46 PM.
                    PM me if you need one!!


                    • #11
                      Re: Is there anything we can do to smarten up the city?

                      why are you guys complaining? you don't live in Edmonton. I heard deadwood was set in Edmonton Circa 2006.

                      2010 Jetta TDI 6 SPD - Stock Comfortline model


                      • #12
                        Re: Is there anything we can do to smarten up the city?

                        I do agree that I have also never had a problem in any of my stock hieght cars, but the GTi is a differnt story! but at the end of the day I chose to lower it so I guess I have to deal with it.

                        But that all doesnt matter as I happen to be a City Employee so I usually just take our "secret private road". lol
                        "If it has tits or wheels it will give you trouble"

                        -97 Golf
                        -91 GTI


                        • #13
                          Re: Is there anything we can do to smarten up the city?

                          If you complain too much they'll raise speeding tickets to compensate .

                          I kind of agree with Luunta, if you want nice roads then move to Van, I love it there, but only because I visit, if I worked there I'd probably be stuck in a 2 hour commute each way driving 40 in a 90 the whole way paying 600,000 for a 1000 sqft townhouse.

                          The roads I take aren't bad, I try not to get mad at construction because our city was so freaking behind for so many years it's about time they are at least building the infrastructure.

                          The roads do suck though. Stupid big ass SUV drivers


                          • #14
                            Re: Is there anything we can do to smarten up the city?

                            actually something for stats

                            65% of all trucks sold in canada are in alberta!!! LOL

                            some aren't bad but some are just terrible.. i dunno its not even being lowered.. some of the cutouts that were on the roads this year.. you'd bend/damage a 20" wheel that comes stock on a truck now or even an 18" stock wheel on a maxima kinda of deal

                            for what its worth.. where does ALLLLL the money from photo radar tickets and crap go!?? that right there they could make deerfoot 16 lanes wide


                            • #15
                              Re: Is there anything we can do to smarten up the city?

                              Originally posted by J-hop View Post
                              probably one of the most racist posts i've seen in a long time.

                              But that aside I think your grossly over simplifying things in terms of the logistics it takes to do road repair. Every Mc Joe wants the pot hole at the end of their street fixed and because you don't see crews out in front of your house every year people assume the city is doing nothing, when there are huge road reconstruction projects going on right now.

                              Sure city workers have a reputation of being lazy but its not the cities fault its the people working for them, the city doesn't have the money to employ a babysitter for every worker out on the street. Or the funds to have people fired, then hire and train a newby just to have to fire them a month later, so they work with what they can get

                              And to be honest I don't think the city gives a damn if 10% of the population rollin low with rims and tims on has a bit of trouble getting around, because roads were never made for the person who decides to dump their ride obnoxiously low. I've never had any problems what so ever at stock ride height around the city.

                              People always compare our roads to other cities but they fail to look at the amount of freeze thaw calgary goes through every year, our climate conditions for maintaining good quality roads are possibly one of the worst in NA so you can't compare. My street for example has to be dug up almost every second year because an underground spring causes the road to heave during the freeze thaw.

                              i think we found a city worker

                              i can directly compare the roads in this city and area of the province to those areas surrounding it. Calgary doesn't take the proper steps to building and repairing roads for the climate we have. They should know by now if you leave cracks when repairing, moisture will get in there and freeze thaw. You should also know if you continue to allow overweight trucks on roads the roads will heave and crack. But hey...those are just common sense things, they're a little over the head of the union idiots we are paying to do this crap
                              Team Highschool
                              Twin Turbo Turbo Smurf Avant

                     - the home for all your turbo needs. PM me for details.

