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Need for Speed Underground

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  • Need for Speed Underground

    Wow this game is pretty cool. I wish they had a jetta in it but oh well I'm rocking a GTI
    Graphics are friggin nuts! I pump it out at 1280x1024 32bit 4xAA and let my 9700pro eat it up.. very fun game 2 CDs.. PM me if you want to cough cough 'borrow it'
    Last edited by R_Ethug; 11-22-2003, 01:29 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Need for Speed Underground

    How about a burnt copy and a key
    Dale Willimus


    • #3
      Re: Need for Speed Underground

      I grabbed this off Bittorrent last night, looks pretty cool.
      Porsche 991 Carrera S


      • #4
        Re: Need for Speed Underground

        Originally posted by Kor
        I grabbed this off Bittorrent last night, looks pretty cool.

        Kris what site is that... remember I am computer impaired
        Dale Willimus


        • #5
          Re: Need for Speed Underground

          colin mcrae rally 3 is the best racing game, for pc of course.
          2002 VW Golf GT TDI
          2016 VW Passat BiTDI


          • #6
            Re: Need for Speed Underground

            this one is fun but kinda annoying but thats just me on video games.. some races i keep hitting like other cars on the road and i almost smashed my keyboard :( but it is quite fun.. my GTI has an oetty looking kit on it with 17" BBS LMs chipped, H&R race springs, intake, sway bars, wet shot of Naaausssz, and a nice exhaust.. the lame part is alot of the body kits are like wings west from hell and make the cars look ricy but i guess that is what the game is for is ricers.. another stupid part is my GTI is a 2.0 (haha never made) but when you look under the hood its a 1.8T !


            • #7
              Re: Need for Speed Underground

              Originally posted by lsc2g
              this one is fun but kinda annoying but thats just me on video games.. some races i keep hitting like other cars on the road and i almost smashed my keyboard :( but it is quite fun.. my GTI has an oetty looking kit on it with 17" BBS LMs chipped, H&R race springs, intake, sway bars, wet shot of Naaausssz, and a nice exhaust.. the lame part is alot of the body kits are like wings west from hell and make the cars look ricy but i guess that is what the game is for is ricers.. another stupid part is my GTI is a 2.0 (haha never made) but when you look under the hood its a 1.8T !

              There is a 2.0 GTI in europe/south africa
              There are only two infinites, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
              --Albert Einstein


              • #8
                Re: Need for Speed Underground

                really? oh well the thing that really pisses me off with these games is the engines in the cars.. for instance this game my GTI 2.0, impreza 2.5RS not WRX?? RSX base not type S
                kinda dumb


                • #9
                  Re: Need for Speed Underground

                  I just "obtained" this game recently as well and have been playing it nonstop. I love it!

                  What I hate is how when you win new cars they're not any better than your current car.. so what the hell. I have a Miata with all stage1 upgrades (turbo, nos, etc) and its faster/better handling than a imprezza 2.5 with the same upgrades. I DONT THINK SO.

                  And about the GTI, it says Golf GTI and came in imola yellow so I was figuring it was the 20th AE, but it ranks as the lowest and slowest car in the game, so it must be a 2.0!


                  • #10
                    Re: Need for Speed Underground

                    Originally posted by lsc2g
                    this one is fun but kinda annoying but thats just me on video games.. some races i keep hitting like other cars on the road and i almost smashed my keyboard :( but it is quite fun.. my GTI has an oetty looking kit on it with 17" BBS LMs chipped, H&R race springs, intake, sway bars, wet shot of Naaausssz, and a nice exhaust.. the lame part is alot of the body kits are like wings west from hell and make the cars look ricy but i guess that is what the game is for is ricers.. another stupid part is my GTI is a 2.0 (haha never made) but when you look under the hood its a 1.8T !
                    In 99 and 2000 GTI's came with 2.0L (in North America)

                    2010 Audi A4 S-Line
                    2007 VW GTI 2.0T

                    2003 VW Jetta GLI
                    1992 VW Jetta GL
                    1984 VW Rabbit GTI


                    • #11
                      Re: Need for Speed Underground

                      yea simon i have all the stage 2 upgrades on my car now its pretty fast I think i'm gonna trade it in for a 350z soon though


                      • #12
                        Re: Need for Speed Underground

                        Man where do you guys get these games? I can't ever seem to find them.
                        There are only two infinites, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
                        --Albert Einstein


                        • #13
                          Re: Need for Speed Underground

                          futureshop is still open. ahaha
                          2002 VW Golf GT TDI
                          2016 VW Passat BiTDI


                          • #14
                            Re: Need for Speed Underground

                            nick you cough buy it of course
                            like i said if you want to 'cough' cough "borrow" it let me know..


                            • #15
                              Re: Need for Speed Underground

                              yo man, get some buckley's for that cold, lol.
                              2002 VW Golf GT TDI
                              2016 VW Passat BiTDI

