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Back from Jamaica....took the camera

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  • Back from Jamaica....took the camera

    After working 80+ hour weeks for 30 days straight with work i decided i needed to recharge the batteries and do as the cast from LOST do and "Go back to island".......mon.

    Went to Jamaica's west coast and stayed in an area just north of Negril called Bloody Bay, with Seven Mile Beach right beside us. Rick's Cafe' one of the top 50 things to do before you die is right down there, and viewing the sunsets down there is just incredible. I now understand why its on the list.

    This is jamaica....

    You better like red stripe. It's the only beer they serve down there.

    You also better like bob marley, and by bob marley i mean two songs; Buffalo Soldier and Jammin'. It's all the beach guys know how to play and they will play until you pay them either because they or good, or because you want them gone.

    A view from the resort looking out on Bloody Bay

    There are a lot of Canadians down there, this one was from Montreal

    You can do pretty much anything in Jamaica, including.....

    Cool Runnings. They love Canadians partially because of the Calgary Olympics

    I did a lot of sailing while I was down there. After racing for a large part of my youth, it was nice to get back on a boat, and as its always windy I would sail up and down the coast most of the day.

    There is some amazing caves and cliffs along the south west corner of the island, awesome for snorkleing and diving, as well as cliff jumnping

    The lighthouse on the SW tip

    This is rick's cafe itself. Its a wicked bar and restaurant, plus you can cliff jumping. i will have more pics of this posted later.

    Me jumping off the 45' cliff

    A booze cruise down the coast

    And the best for last......sunset

    i'll throw some more up as i edit them tonite.

    All can be seen at

    Last edited by RONDAL; 02-14-2010, 11:12 PM.
    Team Highschool
    Twin Turbo Turbo Smurf Avant - the home for all your turbo needs. PM me for details.

  • #2
    Re: Back from Jamaica....took the camera

    very nice pics! looks like a fun time.
    Hitler Built My Hotrod


    • #3
      Re: Back from Jamaica....took the camera


      I'm heading to Dominican Republic on Tuesday for a week.
      2008 Audi RS4
      2015 Fiat 500 Abarth


      • #4
        Re: Back from Jamaica....took the camera

        baller! what kinda lenses you packing now andrew? i just have my 18-55 but thinking of buying a 18-200 or 18-255 whatever i can get for when i leave this year.. last year in asia the 18-55 worked well but no enough zoom when i wanted it


        • #5
          Re: Back from Jamaica....took the camera

          d90 and a 18-200mm for this trip. Sure having an F2.8 lens would be nice, and a 50mm f1.4 for some stuff, but then i gotta lug around a camera bag with me and be changing lenses.

          I took the camera body and lens down in a lowepro over the shoulder simple camera bag that just holds the camera. And then put that into a MEC waterproof 10L bag so i could take it on boats and in the pool. Worked wonders
          Team Highschool
          Twin Turbo Turbo Smurf Avant

 - the home for all your turbo needs. PM me for details.


          • #6
            Re: Back from Jamaica....took the camera

            very nice!
            "If it has tits or wheels it will give you trouble"

            -97 Golf
            -91 GTI


            • #7
              Re: Back from Jamaica....took the camera

              Great Shot's Andrew!

              It's amazing how the Sunset looks the same from coast to coast......... These are some of mine from Puerto Vallarta.

              Don't Panic, I'm Hispanic


              • #8
                Re: Back from Jamaica....took the camera

                I request more pics of Montreal Girl
                Certified 3m installer
                Instagram @Protectit
                I always thought I was strange. Now I have a Saab and it's official I'm strange......

                2014 Ram 2500 Cummins Lifted on 35's
                2011 Jeep Rubicon 2dr Not Stock
                2004 Saab 9-3 2.0T Daily and Stock(for now)


                • #9
                  Re: Back from Jamaica....took the camera

                  Great photos...
                  Current: 2002 Zonda CRV
                  2004 VW MK4 1.8T GTI
                  2001 Ford Focus 1.8 Zetec (European)


                  • #10
                    Re: Back from Jamaica....took the camera

                    Montreal girl pictures pls.
                    | There is no replacement for Displacement | Go Big or Go Home |

