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Shaw Extreme high speed

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  • Shaw Extreme high speed

    Moved into my new place 2 months ago, had Telus for 1 month...absolutely hated it. I dont want to go into it because it's a long story but I cancelled it last night and switched over to Shaw. I got shaw extreme, anyone on here have that? How is it? Max I was able to get with Telus was 300kbps download and 100 kbps upload.

  • #2
    Re: Shaw Extreme high speed

    We have shaw high extreme internet at our place. We run our xbox live and computer with no problems at all. Shaw has been great to us and no complaints with their service.
    MKV VW .:R32 // BMW E30 M-Tech II // Audi A4 Avant
    Instagram @tlarkus


    • #3
      Re: Shaw Extreme high speed

      with shaw you get 5-10Mbps down and 500k up no matter what.. thats on resendential packages.. you can get 1Mpbs up i think with the 90/month one

      i still use the good ol 45/mo plan and its fine for me with 3 PCs in the house and my xbox live going


      • #4
        Re: Shaw Extreme high speed

        That is not quite true. There are various levels.

        Lite: 1 Mbps down, 0.1 Mbps up, 10 GB/month transfer
        High-speed: 7.5 Mbps down, 0.5 Mbps up, 60 GB/month transfer
        Extreme: 15 Mbps down, 1 Mbps up, 100 GB/month transfer
        Warp: 25 Mbps down, 2 Mbps up, 150 GB/month transfer
        Nitro: 100 Mbps down, 5 Mbps up, 400 GB/month transfer


        • #5
          Re: Shaw Extreme high speed

          Telus actually has a "Turbo" plan that is 10-15Mbps and its pretty good. If you are comparing to the Extreme service from shaw, you should be comparing to the Turbo plan at Telus which it sounds like you didn't have.

          That being said, Shaw is a bit better although they recently they increased my rates, I used to be paying less since I have been a long time customer and got in at a lower monthly price.

          The Extreme service is only $10/month more, I'd say its not a lot of money to double your speed.
          Porsche 991 Carrera S


          • #6
            Re: Shaw Extreme high speed

            Originally posted by Kor View Post
            Telus actually has a "Turbo" plan that is 10-15Mbps and its pretty good. If you are comparing to the Extreme service from shaw, you should be comparing to the Turbo plan at Telus which it sounds like you didn't have.

            That being said, Shaw is a bit better although they recently they increased my rates, I used to be paying less since I have been a long time customer and got in at a lower monthly price.

            The Extreme service is only $10/month more, I'd say its not a lot of money to double your speed.
            Yes. I am aware of Telus Turbo plan.
            I called and complained about my internet being slow to telus and that I wanted to upgraded to Turbo. Their answer is that i need to go satelite? 3 CSRs told me this...then they said "well...why dont u upgraded to full HD?" I said ok, and that supposedly is supposed to bump up my internet to 6 mbps. BULLSH!T, from 100kbps/dl it went up to 300kbps/dl speed. I ran tests, downloaded from diff servers...same sh!t.
            I asked them to send me HDMI cable, because i was told they were free...received nothing in 2 weeks, phoned back they said i was told the wrong info, they only carry component...they sent me component and charged me for the cable, when they said it was free. Telus is so bad, that i dont know why anyone would want to have their service. I switched, got better rates and more then what i've asked for. With telus I was in the range of $100/mo with slow ass internet..and little channels.


            • #7
              Re: Shaw Extreme high speed

              Telus = Fail
              Shaw = Win

              Shaw > Telus

              Instagram: @parkus08

              91 BMW 340is ///M-Tech II - Under construction
              08 VW .:R32
              04 Audi A4 Avant 1.8TQ


              • #8
                Re: Shaw Extreme high speed

                ^^ lol Patryk, I agree -- i had Shaw at my girlfriends house and loved it, but it was just high speed, this one that i got now is EXTREME .. so they say, we'll see how good it is

                don't know why i went with telus...guess i wanted to give it a chance? ...waste of time


                • #9
                  Re: Shaw Extreme high speed

                  Most people do not need extreme. It is very rare that the other server can upload anywhere near the rates that you can download. So unless you are doing something special or need the higher upload speed, high-speed is fine.

                  Plus you'll run into the monthly transfer limit pretty fast if you actually used the higher speed.


                  • #10
                    Re: Shaw Extreme high speed

                    We had the regular high speed shaw at our old place and upgrade it when me moved in August. the regular was decent, but we had an old router so the xbox would glitch if the internet was running on the laptop. We bought a new router and upgraded to the extreme, and I havent had a problem since. I love my xbox too much to let that sh!t glitch when i'm gaming!!!
                    Instagram: @parkus08

                    91 BMW 340is ///M-Tech II - Under construction
                    08 VW .:R32
                    04 Audi A4 Avant 1.8TQ


                    • #11
                      Re: Shaw Extreme high speed

                      I went from Telus to Shaw and it's been night and day, support is much better at Shaw and it's faster. I'm able to sustain top speeds on Shaw, and it's been more reliable.

                      Wouldn't go any other way.
                      There are only two infinites, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
                      --Albert Einstein


                      • #12
                        Re: Shaw Extreme high speed

                        they don't really monitor your bandwidth unless you go crazy but i've never been called.. last month i uploaded 200gb using mozy for my online secondary backups.. never an issue.. just took forever going at 500k LOL


                        • #13
                          Re: Shaw Extreme high speed

                          I also have Shaw...One of the things I really like is the Speed Boost that give you super bandwidth for the first 5-10 seconds...Most small downloads are done by the time the Speed Boost stops.
                          2004 VW Jetta TDI Sport


                          • #14
                            Re: Shaw Extreme high speed

                            Sorry guys i'am going back to Telus..Shaw sucks and blacks out and i have to re-boot and unplug my modem every 2 days.


                            • #15
                              Re: Shaw Extreme high speed

                              Thanks for the info, guys.

                              Been contemplating the change myself with the recent move and ongoing issues with Telus (big surprise, ha ha.) The last straw was them destroying my large and heavy computer desk trying to push it accross carpet without lifting it. Tore every mounting point out of the MDF rear panel. Of course I bought it 4 years ago and replacement is impossibe. My file cabinets are all a match to the desk, so now I will end up with a bunch of mismatched office furniture.

                              Shaw's looking better by the minute.....
                              Yes, I drive one of those "olympic" cars with the rings on the front....

