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So you think you can drive?

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  • #31
    Re: So you think you can drive?

    This is old but it's one of my favorites just for the madness.

    Don't give up or fast forward till after 1 min - let it build.
    Fear is the element that unites all losers.


    • #32
      Re: So you think you can drive?

      Originally posted by Satnam View Post
      I think it's mostly and Albertan (Calgarian) mentality, not a Canadian mentality to drive slowly in the left lane....but I'm doing the speed limit - what's wrong?
      See I disagree, I stay out of the left lane (unless passing) on Deerfoot, highways and usually on three lane roads like Crowchild. However, when it comes to 2 lane thoroughfares like 16th ave NE between 68th and Deerfooot, the left lane is not for speeding. That lane is a through lane, the right lane is a weave lane should only be used if you are merging or getting off. I've had more than a few dipshits (mainly in pickup trucks) park on my bumper thinking that I'll get out of their way. Oddly enough they get a little testy when I decide to test my brakes. One guy in a minivan actually just about tried to fight me when he said I 'endangered' his child. Apparently driving a meter off someones's bumper is perfectly safe though.

      I can put up with a lot of stupid behaviors, but tailgating isn't one of them. If I was walking down the street and someone wanted me out of their way I don't think that they'd get two inches from my back and breathe down my neck. If they did they'd probably get an elbow to the head. So why do people think that behavior is appropriate on the street.

      Anyway, I'm not directing this at you or anyone in particular. Maybe I just needed to go off on a tirade.
      Last edited by Mister T; 12-06-2009, 10:53 AM.
      "Paranoia is just the eerie sensation of knowing you're right"

