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Documentary: Fall of the republic

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  • Documentary: Fall of the republic

    What are your thoughts on the topic within this movie of the conspiracy theory of slavery of us.

    I don not think it is that far of, i take all with a grain of salt. Many of the issues and topics addressed in this have occurred and are plausible. Scares me.

    Find the time to watch this.
    Last edited by Yasek; 10-28-2009, 09:48 PM.
    "No one likes to shake hands with Mr.Shitty Fingers."

  • #2
    Re: Documentary: Fall of the republic

    Pretty terrible documentary as it has obvious bias in the language and presentation of facts. It just discredits the grains of truth that are in there by mixing them in with crap.

    That being said, wealth is a much bigger power in the world than anything else, including government or any politician, and its pretty obvious.
    Porsche 991 Carrera S


    • #3
      Re: Documentary: Fall of the republic

      Little of topic...Conspiracy theories... I have recently watched two movies a friend suggested which were both from the public libarary .

      Why we fight & Zeitgeist which were both very interesting movies which exsposed banks/finances the american military and goverment spending.Most definetly opens your mind.


      • #4
        Re: Documentary: Fall of the republic

        An actually good documentary that shocked me was 'Control Room', I recommend that one.
        Porsche 991 Carrera S


        • #5
          Re: Documentary: Fall of the republic

          Originally posted by Kor View Post
          An actually good documentary that shocked me was 'Control Room', I recommend that one.
          What is Control Room about?


          • #6
            Re: Documentary: Fall of the republic

            Originally posted by Mr Baker View Post
            Little of topic...Conspiracy theories... I have recently watched two movies a friend suggested which were both from the public libarary .

            Why we fight & Zeitgeist which were both very interesting movies which exsposed banks/finances the american military and goverment spending.Most definetly opens your mind.
            if you watch zeitgeist 2 you can see their motive for zeitgeist they are very very socialist


            • #7
              Re: Documentary: Fall of the republic

              all these movies have flaws

              but the maker of alot is alex jones.. he's pretty on the ball IMO about some things



              • #8
                Re: Documentary: Fall of the republic

                Either way, Big banks run the world. The Bilderberg group creates leaders. Gold is rapidly being taking off the market, and within 10 years rfid chips will replace cash. Therefore, without gold, there will be nothing to use for trade or barter.

                But 2012 will change all that.

                We're already enslaved. But I like my fast, so I'll go for a bit.

                Look up "Freeman on the Land" If you want something to think about.


                • #9
                  Re: Documentary: Fall of the republic

                  you just said it ^^

                  people think i'm nuts about the swine vaccine and hype but just wait in a few years til they want to rfid people and see how they like thier freedoms then

                  bilderberg is F'd up and anyone who thinks its fake is nuts.. whether they actually choose leaders or not is questionable but when you have members in it like stephen harper and i think ralph klien even was one.. that makes you think


                  • #10
                    Re: Documentary: Fall of the republic

                    ps.. just remember we are all part of the matrix waiting to be unplugged.. but then again my tasty wheat just won't be the same anymore :/


                    • #11
                      Re: Documentary: Fall of the republic

                      Its nuts, the World bank itself invested and donated money to a few third world nations and makes the policy on health care there and they have removed public health care and imposed a private non-free health care.

                      Nothing is to far fetched.
                      "No one likes to shake hands with Mr.Shitty Fingers."


                      • #12
                        Re: Documentary: Fall of the republic

                        The Marriott in Virginia is where they seem to meet nowadays. It's super high security.

                        I seen a documentry on that place on History? It's got an even bigger compund built under the fallout shelter for the bigwigs.

                        RFID tags are being used everywhere. I have to swipe a card everywhere I go in my building.

                        They will be pressured on the public very heavily in the next 5 years, under the guise of identity theft, keeping of medical records, passport.

                        Tracking every move you make.

                        We are more and more becoming a security state. There are too many laws, million's pieces of paper that tell you what you can't do.

                        Well I was born onto this planet by no other choice, and I am a human being. The older I get the more I'm questioning the society around me and the "governing" of us sheeple. There is too much restriciton being put in place.

                        In 1984 the novel, the gov't slowly removes words from use. You've seen that happen already. Harper is doing this with his US-style security state, North American Union dog and pony show.

                        Go to the

                        Obama was given the peace prize so that the world will be with him when he backs Isreal to invade Iran after Christmas.

                        The US dollar is steadily declining, and next year, you'll see them trying to weasel in one currency for North America.

                        We're living in fucked up times however, the worlds Elite underestimate the power of human nature, and once people see what is happening, things will change.

                        A tipping point has to first be reached, and then it will happen V for Vendetta style.
                        Last edited by GTI CANADIAN; 10-29-2009, 08:48 AM.


                        • #13
                          Re: Documentary: Fall of the republic

                          yea just wait for the common north american currency to hit! and the north american union if it goes through.. can/usa/mexico all part like the EU is today

                          and have you heard about the mexico to canada super highway? its being built in texas now and its made for extremely fast transport all the way from mexico up to canada... texas taxpayers are paying through the nose for it.. i can't remember the official name.. something corridor..


                          • #14
                            Re: Documentary: Fall of the republic

                            Haven't heard of this corridor, Sounds like a way to move mass amounts of people or Artillery from north to south.

                            You'll need an RFID implant to travel on that one.

                            We'll call the new country "Oceania"


                            • #15
                              Re: Documentary: Fall of the republic

                              Not all documentaries are bad.

                              The cove - About the annual dolphin slaughter

                              The devil came on horseback - About the genocide in Darfur

                              Invisible Children - How children are being kidnapped in Northern Uganda by the Lord's Resistance Army and forced to become child soldiers.

                              All of these are tremendously powerful and definite tear jerkers. It's truly amazing how sick our world is.
                              Tint sucks

