So i was on my way to take some photos of a girl for some work she's doing, enroute to the location on the outskirts of town and im heading along the highway doing like 140ish. See some HID's come up behind me in the distance so i move over, Lotus Exige S comes whipping past me at well over 200. I speed up a little to keep him in sight.
As luck would have it we both take the same exit, he goes in doing a pretty good number, i slow down as the sun was a little in my eyes and i knew he could corner on rails.
All of a sudden i see a HUGE puff of blue smoke of tires sliding on asphalt, and then dust....soooo much dust. All of a sudden i see the lotus bombing down the hill of the offramp sideways towards a fence. Car does another 360 before coming to a rest against the fence. Lucky it didn't happen 100' further down the road or he would have been in the drink.
I immediatly stop and bail out to make sure the drivers okay. He gives me the thumbs up as im coming down the bank but he cant get out cause he's pinned against the fence. Finally got the car moved off the fence, examined the damage...some paint and body work but not much. Mirror came off in the fence.
Then he tried getting back up the hill. Took 3 tries before he got up. Guy was driving like he didn't even care. I dont know if he'd had a few or he was just on adrenaline but he was pinning it trying to climb the steep hill out.
I got some photos.....

oh to have more money than brains
As luck would have it we both take the same exit, he goes in doing a pretty good number, i slow down as the sun was a little in my eyes and i knew he could corner on rails.
All of a sudden i see a HUGE puff of blue smoke of tires sliding on asphalt, and then dust....soooo much dust. All of a sudden i see the lotus bombing down the hill of the offramp sideways towards a fence. Car does another 360 before coming to a rest against the fence. Lucky it didn't happen 100' further down the road or he would have been in the drink.
I immediatly stop and bail out to make sure the drivers okay. He gives me the thumbs up as im coming down the bank but he cant get out cause he's pinned against the fence. Finally got the car moved off the fence, examined the damage...some paint and body work but not much. Mirror came off in the fence.
Then he tried getting back up the hill. Took 3 tries before he got up. Guy was driving like he didn't even care. I dont know if he'd had a few or he was just on adrenaline but he was pinning it trying to climb the steep hill out.
I got some photos.....

oh to have more money than brains
