Hey everyone! Introducing Paradise Hunter!
In these past few days I launched our website that corresponds with our upcoming tv show. It's related to travel and real estate (Sorry, not automotive related lol). It's been an ongoing project for the past year and we're pretty proud of it. Very proud since it was entirely programmed by myself, data enterred by a few others and graphically designed by another; in short, a very small team.
The goal is to contribute to the vacation rental/sales market. Our competitors are www.vrbo.com (the largest) and the like. I believe we have designed a much cleaner & non-intrusive interface then our competitors. Plus we're focusing on a comfortable organization of information so our customers will feel more secure with their purchase. (i.e. We don't look like the usual white background In-Your-Face sales website)
We have a few sales staff in Costa Rica right now. And the rest is just word of mouth until the tv show airs. You can watch the first episode of our show on the website.
Any kind of Real Estate can be considered a Paradise, even local Calgary/Edmonton/BC/Alberta/Canada/Etc is paradise to some people. So, if you know anyone involved in real estate and could use free advertising then let them know about us please. The system is setup to take Coupons and I created an introductory coupon code that will expire in a month for anyone to use. The Free Coupon Code is "DJVIP". You will enter that code on the payment screen when you publish your real estate listing(s).
I hope you will have a chance to browse around the site and watch the episode, or at least the trailer.
Our Website: www.paradisehunter.com