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Feedback on my website please!

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  • #16
    Re: Feedback on my website please!

    Originally posted by Pistol Pete View Post

    As far as the price goes, it all depends on what YOU need and how complex the project is. Also, it should depend on your budget. Paying $4000 for a realestate website is a bit too much, but not unusual. If you pay that much you better make sure that they do $4000 worth of work for you.

    It's hard to estimate the cost (without know exactly everything you need), but in my opinion, you should be looking at $600-$900 CAD.
    This is a bit misleading....

    The scope of work involved dictates what it's going to cost. But $600 - $900 is WAY too low. In the end you'll have a site not much different than the one you have. An average freelance rate for design is about $50 / hour. And for web development it can range from $50 - $100 for a freelancer depending on what kind of programming is needed.

    Sure there are cheaper alternatives, but you get what you pay for. Personally, I wouldn't want a student to build my business' website. I would hire a professional freelancer. Consider it this way - would your clients hire a student to be their realtor? There's a reason they hire a professional and pay a fair price.

    All that said, this is what I suggest:

    Identity Design - work with a designer to develop your brand. A brand is not just a logo, it's people's perception of you and your business. A good logo is a part of it, but not the be all end all. I would budget $1,500 for this.

    Website Design
    - Not just the overall look and feel, but usability, and functionality. What do you need the site to do in terms of functionality vs. the user experience you want to create for your visitors? Is it a case of just posting your listings? Or do you want to include more on your site? (blog, industry news, market reports, mortgage information, etc etc)

    Once you have determined the overall structure of the site then the actual design phase begins. Working with the designer you establish the look and feel and once you're happy with everything you go on to the next step - development. For this planning / design phase I would budget $2500.

    Development & programming - I take it you would like to upload your own listings and photos which means you will need a content management system. There are a number of turn-key solutions, or you can go completely custom. Naturally a customized solution is more expensive, but turn-key solutions still need some work to get everything to jive with your specific site.

    Assuming you opt to go with a turn-key CMS then I would budget $3000.

    So all in you'd pay $7000 for a professional site and have the ability to update your listings yourself. How does that compare with the average commission you make on a sale?

    And just for reference, the agency I work at recently built a similar site with a similar scope. We charge $6,500 as a flat rate for identity development and the site design and development combined was $14K for this particular project. But for that you get a whole team with years of experience and of course and agency has overhead to pay, etc etc.

    If you want to pick my brain feel free to PM me and we could go grab a coffee sometime.

    Hope that helps!

    - C.
    2008 Audi RS4
    2015 Fiat 500 Abarth


    • #17
      Re: Feedback on my website please!

      Originally posted by Chris View Post
      This is a bit misleading....
      The scope of work involved dictates what it's going to cost. But $600 - $900 is WAY too low.
      - C.
      Respectfully I disagree. Yes its way too low for a from scratch website with dynamic content and from-scratch design and all original art logos and branding. If this was a website for my company I would budget 10k.

      But as an independent real estate agent JUST STARTING OUT my opinion is that you don't need any of this. You can get a pre-built site and populate it with static content, that you never need to change or update, and post it on the web for a small yearly hosting fee. You should be able to pay someone for maybe 20 hours of work as Chris said at 50/hr and get it for under 1000.

      When you're hugely successful and making 6 figures then you can decide to upgrade the site.

      If you need dynamic content that you are going to update yourself all the time (CMS), or if you need a search where you can list houses and browse new listings, then you are going to need to budget a lot more as Chris has posted.
      Last edited by Kor; 06-13-2009, 12:13 PM.
      Porsche 991 Carrera S


      • #18
        Re: Feedback on my website please!

        ^^^ What Kor Said,

        Ive been in the industry for just over a year and left maxwell as they were taking 15% of my commissions and nearly $300 a month + the thousands of dollars in CREB/RECA/AREA fees annually.
        Due to the fact im one of the younger realtors out there I needed to come up with a new way to get my name out there. Thats why i am doing flat fee listings. Im not allowed to give an exact price (email me if interested lol) but your looking at listing your home for 1 very low flat fee. Then you may continue to sell on your own.
        In my first year I did a few deals. Nothing spectacular however its tough when your new and young. Since i started this flat fee listing stuff ive had 5 listings in 1 month. Sure these 5 listings at the lower cost may only add up to 1 listing at full cost however I am thinking for down the road. The more people I have done business for the better it is.
        In 5 years I would love nothing more than to pay a web designer 20 grand to make THE best real estate site in Calgary however for now im content with what I have. If i knew where to or what to do once i purchased a template I would do that.
        Once again, all input is greatly appreciated.


        • #19
          Re: Feedback on my website please!

          I know we're getting a bit off topic (but still relative to what we're talking about).

          Your explanation is valid and I agree with some of what you're saying. As a freelance graphic designer (with over 8yrs of experience), I can understand how a design firm likes to charge that much (costs of running a business are much higher vs. freelance), but we're talking about a simple 5-10 page realestate agent website. And to say that for $600-$900 he would have a similar website to what he's got now is simply laughable.

          There are so many different alternatives that WE* can offer to our clients these days to save them money, instead of simply charging them (what is in my opinion) ridiculous amount amount of $. This doesn't mean that my standards, quality of work, or customer service is less than of a firm that charges twice/three times as much.

          So all in you'd pay $7000 for a professional site and have the ability to update your listings yourself
          That's an overkill, in my opinion, but hey.. if you have money to throw away..than good for him.


          • #20
            Re: Feedback on my website please!

            Everything is relative, I suppose. If you can build him a fully functional site with CMS for $900, then that's pretty fantastic. In fact, I'll sub-contract you on all of my projects!! Seriously.
            2008 Audi RS4
            2015 Fiat 500 Abarth


            • #21
              Re: Feedback on my website please!

              Originally posted by Kor View Post
              But as an independent real estate agent JUST STARTING OUT my opinion is that you don't need any of this. You can get a pre-built site and populate it with static content, that you never need to change or update, and post it on the web for a small yearly hosting fee. You should be able to pay someone for maybe 20 hours of work as Chris said at 50/hr and get it for under 1000.
              This is very true - but as I imagine he'd want the ability to update his listings, I assumed he would want a CMS as well. I also didn't realize he was just starting out...

              Man, I sound a like a fu*king assh0le when I re-read my posts hahaha
              2008 Audi RS4
              2015 Fiat 500 Abarth


              • #22
                Re: Feedback on my website please!

                Common guys, not just starting out....over a year in the industry and several successful deals haha
                Last edited by DiscountRealtor; 06-13-2009, 06:46 PM.

