Behold yet another sob story about speeding tickets 
Was driving north over the 14th street bridge this morning between 11th ave and kensington, otherwise known as tax collection central, and noticed tax collectors pulling people over on the south side. Being a conscientious and caring citizen, I flashed my lights to warn the folks ahead of me against a ruined morning. Next thing I know, another group of tax collectors pops out of the north side and pulls me over. I had been matching traffic speed, so I know for a fact teh only reason they pulled me over is because I was trying to spoil their carefully placed cash cow. The first thing I get is the gears about flashing "Is there something wrong with your lights?! Why were you flashing?" Tax collector A asks Tax Collector B to look up the citation for light flashing, which I'm thinking is total ******** but they have me angry and exasperated by also grilling me for not having changed the address on my license and registration yet (I still own the other property, and didn't realize you had to change addresses right away.) Anyway, of course TCB doesn't find anything, and I only get a speeding ticket, which was nonsense as I was driving the exact same speed as everyone around me, but whatever.
Anyway, long story short, me and a bunch of coworkers looked up light flashing this morning and there is absolutely nothing illegal about it in Alberta. You may be harassed about it though.
Gah! Happy Tuesday...

Was driving north over the 14th street bridge this morning between 11th ave and kensington, otherwise known as tax collection central, and noticed tax collectors pulling people over on the south side. Being a conscientious and caring citizen, I flashed my lights to warn the folks ahead of me against a ruined morning. Next thing I know, another group of tax collectors pops out of the north side and pulls me over. I had been matching traffic speed, so I know for a fact teh only reason they pulled me over is because I was trying to spoil their carefully placed cash cow. The first thing I get is the gears about flashing "Is there something wrong with your lights?! Why were you flashing?" Tax collector A asks Tax Collector B to look up the citation for light flashing, which I'm thinking is total ******** but they have me angry and exasperated by also grilling me for not having changed the address on my license and registration yet (I still own the other property, and didn't realize you had to change addresses right away.) Anyway, of course TCB doesn't find anything, and I only get a speeding ticket, which was nonsense as I was driving the exact same speed as everyone around me, but whatever.
Anyway, long story short, me and a bunch of coworkers looked up light flashing this morning and there is absolutely nothing illegal about it in Alberta. You may be harassed about it though.
Gah! Happy Tuesday...