Today my dad got a phone call around 3:00pm saying that the garage he stores his 1955 Ford Thunderbird was ran into. My 97 Jetta was also stored in the same garage, unfortunatly they missed the Jetta and hit the T-bird. The driver of the CRV which was written off claims he was only going 20mph. I am still unsure how you can cause this much damage going 20mph down an alley that is as straight as an arrow. The thunderbird got the worst of it, the coca cola trailer got a little damage and our ghetto trailer was damaged as well. Here's the carnage:

Hard to tell in the pics but there is some wicked dents by the exaust and the trunk is buckled pretty bad. The transmission might also be messed up because the car was left in gear when it was parked and it was pushed a good 4 feet from the accident.

Hard to tell in the pics but there is some wicked dents by the exaust and the trunk is buckled pretty bad. The transmission might also be messed up because the car was left in gear when it was parked and it was pushed a good 4 feet from the accident.