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Bare Naked Noggins!

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  • Bare Naked Noggins!

    Hi Everyone!
    I will be shaving my head in the Bare Naked Noggins event for Epilepsy. I want to honor the bravery of people who live with Epilepsy, and the many challenges they endure. I am also raising money to help the cause. CTV and Matt from Jack FM will be there and the event most likely will be on the news that night so to give the members or Eurodrivers some props for donating I will wear a Eurodrivers T-shirt so I can advertise the site a bit. I'm not sure that Blair has shirts but I can make one up for the occasion.

    Please help me by donating to this fundraiser!

    You can do it by clicking here!

    To learn more about the event click here!

    Click the link below to go to my BNN profile page

    Every little donation helps!

    If you don't want to donate online you can go here and print a mailable or faxable copy!

    Thanks Everyone!
    Last edited by VAG_Tech; 11-20-2008, 11:44 PM.
    Like Type 2's? Visit my blog!

    My posts and comments written here on this forum are on my spare time and are my personal opinion(s) and are not the opinion(s) or policy of my employer nor are they proven to be accurate. Use advice at your own risk.
    You dig sucka?!

  • #2
    Re: Bare Naked Noggins!

    you don't have much hair anyways,what are they going to use twizers?
    already sponsored 2 customers you should've called me.


    • #3
      Re: Bare Naked Noggins!

      Nobody wants to help out a fellow eurodriver?
      Like Type 2's? Visit my blog!

      My posts and comments written here on this forum are on my spare time and are my personal opinion(s) and are not the opinion(s) or policy of my employer nor are they proven to be accurate. Use advice at your own risk.
      You dig sucka?!


      • #4
        Re: Bare Naked Noggins!

        The club will support a long time member, just need to check on the finances and get you an amount.

        Don't have a T-shirt for you to wear though.
        Former Cars: '12 Fiat 500, '10 VW GTI, '05 Smart Fortwo, '96 VW Jetta GLX, '02 VW GTI 337.........


        • #5
          Re: Bare Naked Noggins!

          Originally posted by Canadian Turbo View Post
          The club will support a long time member, just need to check on the finances and get you an amount.

          Don't have a T-shirt for you to wear though.
          Thanks Blair, your aces in my book. Thanks for supporting Epilepsy awareness!
          I'll get a shirt made up I just need a graphic and I'll head down to Chinook on my lunch break.

          Like Type 2's? Visit my blog!

          My posts and comments written here on this forum are on my spare time and are my personal opinion(s) and are not the opinion(s) or policy of my employer nor are they proven to be accurate. Use advice at your own risk.
          You dig sucka?!


          • #6
            Re: Bare Naked Noggins!

            I fired up a quick design. I was wondering if you had any other graphics you could send me so I can design some thing better. Anyways here's the prototype!

            Like Type 2's? Visit my blog!

            My posts and comments written here on this forum are on my spare time and are my personal opinion(s) and are not the opinion(s) or policy of my employer nor are they proven to be accurate. Use advice at your own risk.
            You dig sucka?!


            • #7
              Re: Bare Naked Noggins!

              Originally posted by Volkstech View Post
              I fired up a quick design. I was wondering if you had any other graphics you could send me so I can design some thing better. Anyways here's the prototype!

              i might still have an XL t-shirt with eurodrivers on it,and by the way,
              printing unless it's bulk it's not cheap.
              i would go with a crest in the front and logo in the back.
              i'll see what i can find today.

              you can use my printer guy since i already paid for the art work.

              so is the cut rite down to the mellon.

              i hope SCFC gave you a good donation because i always sponsored their events.
              Put me down for 40.00.,one hundred if you go chrome.
              who loves ya baby.(bring a lolly pop)

              Last edited by VWSM; 11-25-2008, 07:01 AM.


              • #8
                Re: Bare Naked Noggins!

                Ya for sure Paul I'll go right to the wood for $100! Just go to my BNN page and at the bottom there is a link to the donation page scroll to my name and then donate! Here's the link HERE

                I'll probably need the shirt sooner than later. What graphic did you use?
                Like Type 2's? Visit my blog!

                My posts and comments written here on this forum are on my spare time and are my personal opinion(s) and are not the opinion(s) or policy of my employer nor are they proven to be accurate. Use advice at your own risk.
                You dig sucka?!


                • #9
                  Re: Bare Naked Noggins!

                  i used the Eurodriver font in the rear and Bert & Jacks logo in the front.


                  • #10
                    Re: Bare Naked Noggins!

                    Who does your printing? I only need one shirt done. For now at least.
                    Like Type 2's? Visit my blog!

                    My posts and comments written here on this forum are on my spare time and are my personal opinion(s) and are not the opinion(s) or policy of my employer nor are they proven to be accurate. Use advice at your own risk.
                    You dig sucka?!


                    • #11
                      Re: Bare Naked Noggins!

                      hey Davey i thought this goes under your name ? how do they keep track on how much you bring in? not that it matters but maybe Jack would throw in some prizes for most money raised.(unless i missed something)
                      still looking for that shirt.


                      • #12
                        Re: Bare Naked Noggins!

                        Donation put through Dave!
                        Former Cars: '12 Fiat 500, '10 VW GTI, '05 Smart Fortwo, '96 VW Jetta GLX, '02 VW GTI 337.........


                        • #13
                          Re: Bare Naked Noggins!

                          Thank you for supporting epilepsy, i recently had a seizure which resulted in crashing my car into a lamp post and losing my license until next June. Luckily no one was hurt/killed. The more awareness + support the better
                          - Alex


                          • #14
                            Re: Bare Naked Noggins!

                            Originally posted by Polar36 View Post
                            Thank you for supporting epilepsy, i recently had a seizure which resulted in crashing my car into a lamp post and losing my license until next June. Luckily no one was hurt/killed. The more awareness + support the better
                            My pleasure! I'm glad no one was injured besides your car. As you can see epilepsy can strike anyone at anytime. I am glad to raise money and awareness to help people like you with this disorder.
                            Like Type 2's? Visit my blog!

                            My posts and comments written here on this forum are on my spare time and are my personal opinion(s) and are not the opinion(s) or policy of my employer nor are they proven to be accurate. Use advice at your own risk.
                            You dig sucka?!


                            • #15
                              Re: Bare Naked Noggins!

                              Originally posted by Canadian Turbo View Post
                              Donation put through Dave!
                              Thanks Blair! I'll be wearing a eurodrivers shirt as a way to say thanks to I hope I get some camera time!
                              Like Type 2's? Visit my blog!

                              My posts and comments written here on this forum are on my spare time and are my personal opinion(s) and are not the opinion(s) or policy of my employer nor are they proven to be accurate. Use advice at your own risk.
                              You dig sucka?!

