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Photoshoot, sorry for the non-euro content!

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  • #16
    Re: Photoshoot, sorry for the non-euro content!

    Originally posted by snipa_mini85 View Post
    Fair enough, I'm not trying to be rude either but all that from 6 photos? Nothing tweaked your interest at all in any of the photos?

    I never mentioned anything about being up to par with the pro photogs. Merely mentioned that I have hopes that one day I will be up there. Right now however, I don't have the luxury of being able to go out and purchase $20k+ worth of pro equipment so I have to make by with my 2 year old dSLR w/ kit lens that has more than likely been surpassed by many point and shoots since then. My apologies if any of the pics are not up to anybody's standards. I'm not trying to out do anything that is normally seen in magazines. Besides, the reasoning behind the website was so that I could showcase my work to a broader market, rather than to continually post on forums and hope word of mouth spreads.
    I've seen your photos from Das Volks as well and my comment still stands.

    It's not the equipment that makes the photographer. I have seen tons of amazing shots done with an older DSLR and kit lens. You don't need to have $20K in gear to be good. As far as your comments go, in your first post you specifically stated that the website was so you could start in the "photography business". Learn and master your skill first before you start worrying about making money off your photos.

    PS. If you plan on posting photos or being in the photography industry you should learn to take criticism a little better.
    Last edited by niXon; 09-18-2008, 09:45 PM.


    • #17
      Re: Photoshoot, sorry for the non-euro content!

      I take constructive criticism very well. Comments like, "The picture is good, but maybe if you did this..." or "this area could've been improved by..." that sort of thing. Straight criticism such as "it sucks" or "that's not good at all" I take as well as anybody else who takes pride in their work will, not very well. I'll admit to that. It is almost like telling an experienced welder that they need to go back to school, would they take the news well?

      In my original post I specifically stated that it was a possibility that I would like to start something out of my photos not a set in stone fact. If I do happen to continue that route in the future, I would like to have a platform to start on rather than having to start from scratch later on. Also so that I can reserve the domain name so nobody else takes it.

      Then: 2000 Jetta 2.0L (2005-2012)
      Now: 2012 Golf TDI

