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Another election......are you serious?

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  • #76
    Re: Another election......are you serious?

    Originally posted by Duby T View Post
    As for the stimulus package, it might not be important to you, but it could potentially save many peoples jobs. For the love of God, quit thinking about yourselves and try putting yourself in other peoples shoes. Criticize it all you want, but the Conservatives had no concrete plan to save our economy either.
    Ask an economist. You don't fix things by throwing money at it - you just delay it. You really think dropping interest rates another .5 or bailing out some auto workers is going to restore faith in the financial system? You think throwing money is going to curb deflation? The cons already had tax breaks and other stims for the economy in place, knee jerk spending 10 billion around isn't going to help anything. All it will do is scare even more investors with a completly unstable gov that can't last more than 6 months (maybe Dems and Libs but not with Bloc) and yet another election to come.
    Fear is the element that unites all losers.


    • #77
      Re: Another election......are you serious?

      All i have to say is, our government needs a revolution. It is starting to adopt to much of the American system, where individual/corporate power is of interest more than people and their future. They succumb to pressure groups driven by selfish interests not social ideals. I can see how socialism is a decent idea, just a bit extreme.

      Our economy and our natural resource management is laughable, we give everything away, rather then develop our own industries to create product. Time to move to Sweden, there are leaders i like.
      Last edited by Yasek; 12-02-2008, 12:11 AM.
      "No one likes to shake hands with Mr.Shitty Fingers."


      • #78
        Re: Another election......are you serious?

        SOO we can have that coalition now?


        • #79
          Re: Another election......are you serious?

          I think a lot of people, like in the US have a fear of the words socialism and socialist and assume any party or candidate associated with that is BAD.

          We are in the second term of a Minority Government so we have no stability as the country is not in agreement on any 1 party to rule, so I don't understand how this is un-democratic to let a coalition control things, people did vote for all those parties too. The bloc will have no seats in this potential cabinet so I am doubtful of them being able to push a separatist agenda. There is no guarantee the GST will be raised and I don't think in an economic uncertain time it is something that they will end up messing with. Canceling a decrease in corporate tax is something I am not in disagreement with, as someone who calculates corp taxes for a living they can be very reasonable already so if we are possibly going into a deficit position this is something I agree with until the economic picture improves.

          I know Harper has called this a power grab by the Liberal's but him pushing to remove parties per votes funds is not a power grab from him? The Conservatives are flush with cash so he is trying to kick everyone while they are down, and that is not a power grab too? Now he is trying to delay Parliament to avoid the vote of non confidence, not sure if that is going to help him at all either.

          People seem to be so focused on economic issues that everything else takes a back seat and I personally do not want to see our education, health care or other social systems slide any further. I am however excited to be apart of these historic times as we are in uncharted territory and maybe something radical like this is just what we need and really if it doesn't work out just means we get to vote again and until a majority is picked we will be in risk!

          And to say the big drop of the TSX is related to this is not entirely true when also the Dow had a huge drop, investors just seem to be very irrational these days.
          Former Cars: '12 Fiat 500, '10 VW GTI, '05 Smart Fortwo, '96 VW Jetta GLX, '02 VW GTI 337.........


          • #80
            Re: Another election......are you serious?

            If this goes down i think we shouldn't have to pay taxes as they weren't elected into office i don't see why i should have to give them money.

            They keep saying that Canadians don't want another election but the 300mil that it costs for an election is better than Bloc D liberal plan to throw 30billion to save the auto sector for 3 months no real fix there and god knows how much more we are going to have to give Quebec not to mention them being officially recognized as there own country or some ******** like that.

            Maybe they should switch the country's fleet vehicles over to Ford or GM on some long term contracts to actually help Ford and GM sales instead of giving them a couple billion to burn in the trash can for the cold winter ahead. Or here is a crazy one sit down and all the party's can try to come to agreement on what needs to be done you know like a bunch of people come together to help out a common cause like a democracy or something stupid like that.

            As i said before as long as we have a party system Democracy fails just as much as Communism did. A no party system is the only way for a Democracy to work each person represents there constituents no ******** party line to follow just what the people who elected you want you to do.
            2020 Toyota Corolla Hatch (At least its a Manual!)
            2001 Audi S4 (Trunk still smells like Ryan?)
            2001 Audi A4 - RIP
            2004 Mygale SJ04 - Racecar
            2013 Toyota Sienna - Baby Transporter
            2001.5 Audi S4 -SOLD
            1986 Reynard SF86 -SOLD
            2003 Jetta GLI - Garbage bin


            • #81
              Re: Another election......are you serious?

              Does it not scare the **** out of anybody else that if this coalition comes into power the BLOC will have the ability to veto things?

              ...give me chills thinking about that lol
              REAL men use harsh language as self-defense


              • #82
                Re: Another election......are you serious?

                If they veto then things will grind to a halt and we will be forced into an election, does not seem that risky to me.

                If Harper is ballsy enough to try and take away all the political parties funding when he is in a minority I am still very scared of his ideas if he had a majority. (That's almost Dictatorship)

                The 30 bill stimulus is not clearly defined and 100% for the auto industry, but I do like some action as the Conservatives have not done much at all when it comes to the economy.
                Last edited by Canadian Turbo; 12-02-2008, 11:49 AM.
                Former Cars: '12 Fiat 500, '10 VW GTI, '05 Smart Fortwo, '96 VW Jetta GLX, '02 VW GTI 337.........


                • #83
                  Re: Another election......are you serious?

                  I don't think many people are crying for a stimulus package. Printing off 30 billion more dollars of deft is going to have unbelievable problems for this economy. It is NOT the solution and Dion has no business running this country. No one has caused so much damage to the liberal party. Not one liberal leader has been responsible for loosing so many seats. AND now he is going to PM. It is a disgrace and it is going to absolutely 100% worsen the economy.


                  • #84
                    Re: Another election......are you serious?

                    Originally posted by Canadian Turbo View Post
                    If they veto then things will grind to a halt and we will be forced into an election, does not seem that risky to me.

                    If Harper is ballsy enough to try and take away all the political parties funding when he is in a minority I am still very scared of his ideas if he had a majority. (That's almost Dictatorship)

                    The 30 bill stimulus is not clearly defined and 100% for the auto industry, but I do like some action as the Conservatives have not done much at all when it comes to the economy.

                    That's exactly it. It is going to grind to a halt. The fundamental beliefs of these parties are all very different. By the time this happens, the damage is already going to be done.

                    How does going into debt 30 billion dollars help anything? I dont think people really understand that this money has to be paid back. It doesn't just get printed off and everything is great. Sometimes less is more and when it comes to the Canadian economy I believe that is true. Throwing 30 billion into this economy is not going to do much. At the end of the day the US is in trouble and every economy is going to see a decline. When the US sorts itself out we well be sorted out.

                    Geoff makes the point very well.
                    Last edited by nordex; 12-02-2008, 12:11 PM.


                    • #85
                      Re: Another election......are you serious?

                      Originally posted by Canadian Turbo View Post
                      If Harper is ballsy enough to try and take away all the political parties funding when he is in a minority I am still very scared of his ideas if he had a majority. (That's almost Dictatorship)
                      Yes it was a smart idea for Canadians but suicide because party's only care about there money and power but they took it back so there shouldn't be an issue.

                      What is this secret plan/agenda you keep speaking of its sounds diabolical but i have no idea what it is. Is it the religious nut job anti abortion bible thumping side to him? because that **** doesn't fly that well in educated parts of the world so his little agenda wouldn't go far in Canada as we can hopefully be rid of Religion eventually.
                      2020 Toyota Corolla Hatch (At least its a Manual!)
                      2001 Audi S4 (Trunk still smells like Ryan?)
                      2001 Audi A4 - RIP
                      2004 Mygale SJ04 - Racecar
                      2013 Toyota Sienna - Baby Transporter
                      2001.5 Audi S4 -SOLD
                      1986 Reynard SF86 -SOLD
                      2003 Jetta GLI - Garbage bin


                      • #86
                        Re: Another election......are you serious?

                        The Bloc veto is untrue and Conservative propaganda to make you all think they are the only choice. The Bloc has agreed to vote with the coalition on matters of confidence (Budget etc.) however they can vote whichever way that want on other issues, but do not have a majority so could not push anything questionable or separatist through.

                        I agree that 30 billion cannot come out of thin air and we have to pay for it, which I believe is supposed to be coming from slowing corp tax roll backs which could be a fair trade off at this point, depending on what the 30 bill went too. I am not for big handouts as personally I have not been impacted by this economy at this point but I think the key is to establish confidence which the Conservatives are not doing.

                        Dion is only going to be the Prime Minister until the Liberal leadership which would then put in the new leader as PM if the coalition holds till May, and with a wealth of people backing this you could have some great support to get things done, as opposed to Harper commanding his drones.

                        I am not sure if Harper really wanted that political party funding out but if it was his choice he has really sealed his fate as you could not expect ALL the other parties to sit by and let it happen. He is most likely either going to have to resign or be forced out and this could leave a huge amount of turmoil in the conservative party as supposedly he has been keeping them all on very short leashes.
                        Former Cars: '12 Fiat 500, '10 VW GTI, '05 Smart Fortwo, '96 VW Jetta GLX, '02 VW GTI 337.........


                        • #87
                          Re: Another election......are you serious?

                          Originally posted by RSS View Post
                          Yes it was a smart idea for Canadians but suicide because party's only care about there money and power but they took it back so there shouldn't be an issue.

                          What is this secret plan/agenda you keep speaking of its sounds diabolical but i have no idea what it is. Is it the religious nut job anti abortion bible thumping side to him? because that **** doesn't fly that well in educated parts of the world so his little agenda wouldn't go far in Canada as we can hopefully be rid of Religion eventually.
                          It may not fly well in places but if he controls a party in majority control he can make people vote that stuff through.

                          Gay marriage banned, abortion, criminalization of marjuana, copyright download toughening these are all issues and if you think a Conservative government will ever be rid of religion I think you are dreaming.

                          And have we all forgotten in 2004 when Harper sided with NDPs in an attempt to oust the Liberals under Martin, its OK when you are not the one being pressured I guess.
                          Former Cars: '12 Fiat 500, '10 VW GTI, '05 Smart Fortwo, '96 VW Jetta GLX, '02 VW GTI 337.........


                          • #88
                            Re: Another election......are you serious?

                            In my opinion, I do not like the idea of the coalition.

                            First of all, I do not believe that people truly voted for this, I do believe that many did, but I would not say that everyone in the parties should be truly happy about this, and much like people changing parties, I don't think it should be allowed without an election. If they would like to run jointly in a new election, that is their perogative, however this doesn't necessarily reflect the desires of their constituents.

                            Unless they officially inlcude the Bloc, the two parties still hold less seats than the conservatives currently do. They are relying on the Bloc to vote with them, it would be one thing if they could rely on the Bloc abstaining, however in that case they would still lose the vote.

                            The idea of this coalition does however in my opinion take the government out of the house of commons, and more into closed doors of them doing things privately. I do worry that debate and things will occur in other forms than the house, and it will be a presented half assed agenda.

                            As far as political funding, I don't particularily care either way, considering it only came into the play in 2003, parties did manage to live without it prior. For the people who say the only reason they vote is to give the parties their 1.95 per vote, there are alot of ways to contribute to the party you support, from giving them a toonie, to helping out.

                            All being said, I still tend to lean towards the conservatives, although harper is losing my support. I do believe that a stimulus package is something we do not need at this point, as afaik we aren't in a serious risk of losing major institutions.
                            There are only two infinites, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
                            --Albert Einstein


                            • #89
                              Re: Another election......are you serious?

                              There are many issues that the Conservative did not resolve by gaining power. All they did was lower GST. An example is their policy for dealing with youth offenders. It has no scientifically proven ways of solving the fundamental problems but rather increasing costs. And if you look at the increase of homelessness across Canada (I know we dont like taking about but it costs tax payers $$$$) since Harper got elected, nothing has been done. Eco-rebate failed miserably. Once health care and education are improved, they should not be wasting money on stuff they think will work...

                              The thing I liked about the Liberals was that they would lower PERSONAL INCOME TAX. When people complain about having less money in a expensive city like Calgary, this has a bigger impact that saving 2% GST. Its not every year people car houses or cars. Also being a contractor, increasing the GST will benefit me.


                              • #90
                                Re: Another election......are you serious?

                                Originally posted by Canadian Turbo View Post
                                It may not fly well in places but if he controls a party in majority control he can make people vote that stuff through.

                                Gay marriage banned, abortion, criminalization of marjuana, copyright download toughening these are all issues and if you think a Conservative government will ever be rid of religion I think you are dreaming.

                                And have we all forgotten in 2004 when Harper sided with NDPs in an attempt to oust the Liberals under Martin, its OK when you are not the one being pressured I guess.

                                I cant see a conservative Gov't even trying to do most of the things you said there it may be Harper's beliefs but if he wants control of the Gov't he needs the east and nobody out east would stand for that crap for a second so he has to sit on his hands.

                                Gov't should be working on Health care, Education, Infrastructure and Military with social issues they have no place and should stick with making the health care system work better and helping kids read when they solve all those problems then they can think about social issues.

                                It's not up to the Gov't to set our Religious beliefs or lack there of so they have no real say in the matter if we all stop believing they will have to agree or lose power.
                                2020 Toyota Corolla Hatch (At least its a Manual!)
                                2001 Audi S4 (Trunk still smells like Ryan?)
                                2001 Audi A4 - RIP
                                2004 Mygale SJ04 - Racecar
                                2013 Toyota Sienna - Baby Transporter
                                2001.5 Audi S4 -SOLD
                                1986 Reynard SF86 -SOLD
                                2003 Jetta GLI - Garbage bin

