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Another election......are you serious?

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  • #16
    Re: Another election......are you serious?

    Dion would be a terrible PM. He has no debating skills whatsoever and he seems quite aloof and out of touch to most Canadians including his own party.
    DJ Noble / Volkswagen Sales Consultant
    Norden Autohaus / Edmonton, AB
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    • #17
      Re: Another election......are you serious?

      Originally posted by twisted by dezign View Post
      Dion would be a terrible PM. He has no debating skills whatsoever and he seems quite aloof and out of touch to most Canadians including his own party.
      Personally I think Harper is pretty close to these qualities both are boring and lack charisma, not really happy with either. Time to look into my local MP candidates and see what they have to offer.
      Former Cars: '12 Fiat 500, '10 VW GTI, '05 Smart Fortwo, '96 VW Jetta GLX, '02 VW GTI 337.........


      • #18
        Re: Another election......are you serious?

        Originally posted by Canadian Turbo View Post
        Personally I think Harper is pretty close to these qualities both are boring and lack charisma, not really happy with either. Time to look into my local MP candidates and see what they have to offer.
        Harper isn't the most charismatic guy but I feel as if he has done a decent job considering the circumstances. I'm currently leaning towards him because Dion and Layton would make, IMO, worse PMs (not to say that Harper is terrible, though).
        Last edited by twisted by dezign; 09-09-2008, 08:57 AM.
        DJ Noble / Volkswagen Sales Consultant
        Norden Autohaus / Edmonton, AB
        (tf) 1.800.661.9645 (l) 1.780.484.3000
        (e) dnoble[at]nordenautohaus[.com]
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        • #19
          Re: Another election......are you serious?

          Silly silly politics Gov't / Democracy if we can even call it that anymore same as theoretical Communism vs actual Communism just one is more accepted.

          The only time a democratic gov't could actually work is if we had a no party system as soon as they are set into apposing sides gov't instantly fails and they are off to fuel there own agendas forgetting that they are supposed to be looking after our country's best interests.

          A no party system would make them actually discuss what is best for us as a nation. Strange concept i know but we might actually get something productive done maybe even come together as a nation instead of East vs West vs Quebec etc etc.

          O and remember your vote does NOT matter as we are stuck with the system we have and there will never be a change in our lifetime. So the only way to send a message is if everyone did not go out and vote. Seeing on the TV that only 2% of the population showed up to the polls may actually get there attention.
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          • #20
            Re: Another election......are you serious?

            I always thought government should be run like a business, hire the best person for the job, not a popularity contest built on shady platforms and trash talk. Thus if the can't make things work and not lose money us as shareholders show them the door and look for someone else.
            Former Cars: '12 Fiat 500, '10 VW GTI, '05 Smart Fortwo, '96 VW Jetta GLX, '02 VW GTI 337.........


            • #21
              Re: Another election......are you serious?

              I agree Blair, really this system we have is not doing as much for this country as it could. Politics in general is stupid, parties fight each other for what they think is right and not what is best for the people. Governments today seem to have forgotten that they are working for use and not use working for them.
              Name: Brent
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              • #22
                Re: Another election......are you serious?

                I think Dion's problem is he is basically honest, which in politics is a liability. He is not aggressive nor is he much for shite slinging, but I truely think he is actually far more in touch with what people feel and need, he just has no concept on how to present it and explain it in a manner that works for joe blow. He is too intellectual for most everyday citizens to grasp. Too bad... I actually think he would be the most honest person for the job. If the position wasn't about image, he could do a good job.
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                • #23
                  Re: Another election......are you serious?

                  Back up as I am baffled by all the talk about the poor economy and equating us to what is going on in the US. Firstly our banking system is much more structured and regulated and I don't think we are at any risk for having our banks go under, and most with US business have already adsorbed their loses. I know we are sheltered here in a better economic position but I really don't think things are that hard in most parts of the countries and I do not know anyone who cannot afford to pay their mortgage.

                  Overall I think this doom and gloom attitude being displayed puts fear in the minds of most people and will help contribute to an economic downturn and perhaps recession. I also think people have forgotten what a normal economy is like after a couple years of boom-esque conditions.

                  Sorry just a friday afternoon rant as I am not happy with any party in this election and am a little afraid of a conservative majority.
                  Former Cars: '12 Fiat 500, '10 VW GTI, '05 Smart Fortwo, '96 VW Jetta GLX, '02 VW GTI 337.........


                  • #24
                    Re: Another election......are you serious?

                    Like the provincial election, Im gonna do my research on each of the candidates in my riding. I want to get a feel for who they are and what they stand for.

                    The problem with our political system is that we vote for parties, not for individuals. I'd venture to say that a majority of voters have no idea who they are voting for, but vote solely along party lines.....which is crap. For all you know, you are voting for a complete idiot who only looks out for their own interests.

                    What ever happened to hiring the best person for the job?

                    Another thing that erks me is the fact that voters are selfish. We only want what will benefit us RIGHT NOW! We don't stop and think about the future. Don't get it twisted, the way you vote today has a tremendous impact on future generations. Think about your kids and grandchildren.
                    Tint sucks


                    • #25
                      Re: Another election......are you serious?

                      I totally agree, you must look into your local candidates, voting for only the PM is not correct. I have ruled out the NDPs in my riding as I do not feel confident in voting for a 21 year old who is in my area.
                      Former Cars: '12 Fiat 500, '10 VW GTI, '05 Smart Fortwo, '96 VW Jetta GLX, '02 VW GTI 337.........


                      • #26
                        Re: Another election......are you serious?

                        Originally posted by Canadian Turbo View Post
                        I totally agree, you must look into your local candidates, voting for only the PM is not correct. I have ruled out the NDPs in my riding as I do not feel confident in voting for a 21 year old who is in my area.
                        Is that the Bonderhoff guy? He's in a Poli-Sci class with my brother at that UofC.

                        In regards to the economy, I personally am a pessimist. We do have somewhat better regulation in our banking system, and our currency does not have the devaluation problems that we are seeing south of the border.... but we have our own issues. I still don't believe we are in for anything that will be comparable to our southern neighbour, but like it our not, our economy is based on Oil and Commodities. With a global slowdown we are going to feel the effects of that here.

                        Additionally, our entire generation needs a shake-up. I look at older generations who actually understand the point of having "equity" rather than just focusing on "cash flow" in the short term. I know so many people who are leveraged to the nines trusting that their home will support them, rather than the other way around. I do understand that debt has it's uses (in an investment vehicle like a corporation), but it's not to buy furniture and TV's!

                        Add the problem of cash flow "focus", with the initial comments of an economic slowdown, and you have the potential for a world of hurt. The one thing that will REALLY help us is the fact that the Canada's debt is small (comparatively) and we are actively paying it down. With this, the Gov't has the ability to lower taxes and IR's more readily, thus infusing capital into the markets. Additionally, our dollar is strong, thus also allowing more flexibility wihtout worrying too much about inflation.
                        Sidewalks are for normal walkin.... aint no room for fancy walkin....


                        • #27
                          Re: Another election......are you serious?

                          As with nearly every election since I've been of voting age, Im gonig to spoil my ballot.

                          I'm scared of what Dion would do if he had some power, Harper favours business too much (even my dad, a wealthy business man agrees that business AND personal tax rates should be higher by 5% or so, it wouldnt discourage investing in the country, but it would help alot)...Ol' Jack is a winner because he's such an underdog that he can basically say whatever kind of non-sense he wants, and i find that very funnym but...i mean comeon.

                          No one jumps out as being the right leader, even in my riding they're all garbage. My brother was talkign about the 21 y/o NDP candidate in the downtown riding and it sounds like thats going ot be his vote, simply cause the ND party has some good ideas and the other candidates in his riding arent anything special either lol
                          REAL men use harsh language as self-defense


                          • #28
                            Re: Another election......are you serious?

                            Originally posted by twisted by dezign View Post
                            Layton would make, IMO, worse PMs (not to say that Harper is terrible, though).
                            I'd say Harper is terrible haha, well maybe not like Mulroney terrible, but not good.

                            Layton will never be PM, but he is charismatic like no other! He'd shake things up for sure, which might not be bad...but you know what they say about "change for the sake of change" (IE: US elections coming up lol)
                            REAL men use harsh language as self-defense


                            • #29
                              Re: Another election......are you serious?

                              If you want an example of NDP leadership, just check out Manitoba. My wife is from there, and what they did to that province is simply absurd. NDP will never get my vote....
                              Sidewalks are for normal walkin.... aint no room for fancy walkin....


                              • #30
                                Re: Another election......are you serious?

                                Originally posted by liquid View Post
                                If you want an example of NDP leadership, just check out Manitoba. My wife is from there, and what they did to that province is simply absurd. NDP will never get my vote....
                                well im not trying to claim that their leadership is good, im just saying that they have some good ideas for how to change the country for the better...Executing those is a MUCH bigger fish to fry, and they also have some wacky policies mixed in with the good.

                                If i were to not spoil my ballot, id be going green I think.
                                REAL men use harsh language as self-defense

