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Another election......are you serious?

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  • #61
    Re: Another election......are you serious?

    A few problems with proportional I see are, you almost might as well just have a leader, with the party whip, just count someone as like 155 votes, or a majority, which I don't like.

    Also you do lose regional representation, which some might argue is a good thing, however, there are always regional concerns, so its good to have this way also.

    I'd be for a mixed system though, some regional, some proportional.
    There are only two infinites, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
    --Albert Einstein


    • #62
      Re: Another election......are you serious?

      Originally posted by DigitalAudio View Post
      I'm stopping on my way home tonight

      At least I won't have to turn on the election coverage at 7:30 to be greated with "Congratulations Canada on electing your next majority Liberal Goverment" like in the old days before my vote was even counted.

      i was playing floorhockey and it was announced at 7:00pm at the ymca
      don't bother voting it's over.
      what a slap in the face that was.


      • #63
        Re: Another election......are you serious?

        I don't think you have to loose local support for proportional. They should just give a seat to whatever party didn't receive a riding would get their percentage of the vote. For example if the green party for 7% of the vote but no seats then their vote is worth 7% and anyone who won a riding would get their % of the vote. I believe not all members always vote with their party so that way if each seat was worth a % then the parties would do more to appeal to a wider segment knowing that every vote counts.
        Name: Brent
        His: '04 TDI Golf Mods: None If it's smoken it ain't broken
        Family: '15 Jetta Sportwagon
        Fun car: '92 Blue Karmann Crabby Cabby Mods: Coils, front and rear swaybars, LED interior lights and some other old things.


        • #64
          Re: Another election......are you serious?

          my wife summed it up best last night........"it's a good thing they put the "party" under the name this time cause I had no idea who was running for what party, this way I could just vote for the party I wanted"

          Very true, people don't care who's running, they just pick the party and call it a day. Half the people I know didn't even listen to what the leaders had to say.......It seams that it doesn't matter what they say cause if you live in Alberta you vote Conservative, simple as that.

          Not saying that's my opinion, just repeating what i've heard time and time again.
          Don't Panic, I'm Hispanic


          • #65
            Re: Another election......are you serious?

            People also forget that party funding is allocated based upon votes so every vote does count to help out your party for the next election, so saying my vote does not matter is a cop out.
            Former Cars: '12 Fiat 500, '10 VW GTI, '05 Smart Fortwo, '96 VW Jetta GLX, '02 VW GTI 337.........


            • #66
              Re: Another election......are you serious?

              Originally posted by popp View Post
              my wife summed it up best last night........"it's a good thing they put the "party" under the name this time cause I had no idea who was running for what party, this way I could just vote for the party I wanted"

              Very true, people don't care who's running, they just pick the party and call it a day. Half the people I know didn't even listen to what the leaders had to say.......It seams that it doesn't matter what they say cause if you live in Alberta you vote Conservative, simple as that.

              Not saying that's my opinion, just repeating what i've heard time and time again.
              That's exactly what's happening in the Calgary West riding. Most people who support the Conservative party think Rob Anders is a pilon.... but vote for him simply because of his affiliation.
              Sidewalks are for normal walkin.... aint no room for fancy walkin....


              • #67
                Re: Another election......are you serious?

                Coallition Gov't?

                Looks like Harper might have hurt his own cause by trying to sting his opponents.

                any thoughts?
                Tint sucks


                • #68
                  Re: Another election......are you serious?

                  I think this is just BS. The clear fact of the matter is the Liberals not only failed to win the election they lost seats... on top of that The NDP are wingnut national socialists and the BLOC are anti Canadian seperatists.. do we really want those two parties in control of our Country?

                  In this time of a global meltdown we really don't need this. From the way I understand it, to form a colatition government you need the blessing of the Governer General and I just do not see it happening.

                  IMHO The worst that will happen will be a non confidence vote and we will have another election... another couple billion dollars spent in a time when the feds should be looking to save a buck or two.

                  Yuppy Car
                  2002 - Jetta 1.8T Galactic Blue
                  EcoTerrorist SUV
                  2006 - Hummer H3 Shadow Green


                  • #69
                    Re: Another election......are you serious?

                    Well I think Harper is getting a bit greedy and since his party is doing well he is trying to hurt the competition and he is getting called on it. I am personally still afraid of all the plans Harper has and still do not want to see the Conservatives in full control as I worry about their social agenda and I am glad to see the others fighting back.
                    Former Cars: '12 Fiat 500, '10 VW GTI, '05 Smart Fortwo, '96 VW Jetta GLX, '02 VW GTI 337.........


                    • #70
                      Re: Another election......are you serious?

                      So you'd much rather have the GST back at 7%? I'd rather take my chances socially with the cons and have a party that understands you don't just get to throw 50 billion at the auto industry to "save it". It's not like you can just tell GM to sell more cars. The stupid party contribution isn't even on the table and they're still trying to take power. It's pretty much a coup.
                      Last edited by Khyron; 12-01-2008, 09:15 PM.
                      Fear is the element that unites all losers.


                      • #71
                        Re: Another election......are you serious?

                        Coup! Exactly!!!

                        Now how do we stop this??!!

                        Yuppy Car
                        2002 - Jetta 1.8T Galactic Blue
                        EcoTerrorist SUV
                        2006 - Hummer H3 Shadow Green


                        • #72
                          Re: Another election......are you serious?

                          Just goes to show how gross the liberal party is. The liberals are hooking up with a bunch of socialists and separatists. Good for them. I'm sure if you voted NDP you must be pleased. What a disgrace. Hopefully this results in another election as I think it is going to be over for these three. They are starting off on a great foot too. The tsx dropped the most ever after the annoucement.

                          This just about sums that up

                          Jack and Gilles
                          Went up the hill
                          To find Stephane crying.

                          Jack reached down
                          Picked Stephane off the ground
                          And said, don’t worry; we’ll just keep trying.

                          It’s on the books
                          We can act like crooks
                          And the government we can steal

                          It’s easy to do
                          With Gilles, me and you
                          As long as we strike the right deal.

                          So hand in hand
                          Along with a plan
                          The three skipped down the hill.

                          It won’t take long
                          To explain that the voters were wrong
                          And our own ambitions we’ll fore fill.


                          • #73
                            Re: Another election......are you serious?

                            The Conservatives have no one else to blame but themselves for bring up the whole party contribution funding issue. The other parties had no other choice but to fight back, otherwise it would have been political suicide. Now that **** hit the fan, the Conservatives are flip flopping and taking it back.

                            As for the stimulus package, it might not be important to you, but it could potentially save many peoples jobs. For the love of God, quit thinking about yourselves and try putting yourself in other peoples shoes. Criticize it all you want, but the Conservatives had no concrete plan to save our economy either.

                            Taking your chances on social issues in exchange for saving 2% on taxes is straight up mind blowing. I'm at a loss for words.
                            Tint sucks


                            • #74
                              Re: Another election......are you serious?

                              HAHAHA so the response is for every other party to get together and throw the government? So you want a country run by Liberals, Socialists and Separatist. Really? Just think about that for a minute. How long is that going to last?

                              Regarding the stimulus package. Its a bunch of BS. Remember ENRON. Why didn't they save those peoples jobs too? This is what needs to happen. If they want to throw money at the private sector like this then maybe they should build some houses for the american citizens who don't have a house because it was washed away in a hurricane. Canada should not follow the US because it is simply wrong. GM, FORD are american companies. The government is not here to write cheques to failing business no matter the size...
                              Last edited by nordex; 12-01-2008, 11:13 PM.


                              • #75
                                Re: Another election......are you serious?

                                Oh and with regards to tax going up 2%, who knows maybe we are going to have PST because Quebec is going to be after what little surplus we have.

