Julian Fantino, the seemingly authoritarian commissioner of Ontario's provincial police force has proposed new legislation that would lead to officers handing out tickets to anyone who puts their car into a ditch during a snowstorm. Ontario — Canada's most populous province — recently introduced legislation to impound for a week the vehicle of anyone caught driving 31 mph over the speed limit.
Fantino also recently said he supports lowering the impoundment threshold from 31 mph (50 km/h) to 18 mph (30 km/h). That would mean anyone caught traveling 18 mph over the speed limit would have their car seized on the spot for a week and face a fine of $2,000 to $10,000 for stunt driving. So far, Canadian lawmakers seem satisfied with the 31 mph directive.
The ditch ticket proposal might irk average drivers even more. Fantino said he thinks anyone whose car slides off the highway in bad weather should be fined, even if there is no evidence of careless driving or excessive speed.
Fantino also recently said he supports lowering the impoundment threshold from 31 mph (50 km/h) to 18 mph (30 km/h). That would mean anyone caught traveling 18 mph over the speed limit would have their car seized on the spot for a week and face a fine of $2,000 to $10,000 for stunt driving. So far, Canadian lawmakers seem satisfied with the 31 mph directive.
The ditch ticket proposal might irk average drivers even more. Fantino said he thinks anyone whose car slides off the highway in bad weather should be fined, even if there is no evidence of careless driving or excessive speed.