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Someone buy this, and take care of it

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  • #16
    Re: Someone buy this, and take care of it

    The Bentley is AWD
    Jerbel Autowerks

    Distributor of parts from:
    JAW, 034 Motorsport, Power Up Lubricants and OEM replacement parts
    (403) 690-7135


    • #17
      Re: Someone buy this, and take care of it

      Originally posted by Stonewall View Post
      And have you seen the roads tanks drive on? Some hillbilly somewhere is crying because the camo job on his tank got scratched.


      • #18
        Re: Someone buy this, and take care of it

        Originally posted by The_Jerbel View Post
        The Bentley is AWD
        LOL o jeez.

        2004 VW R32 Turbo


        • #19
          Re: Someone buy this, and take care of it

          What's wrong cam? Is AWD funny or something? haha
          Jerbel Autowerks

          Distributor of parts from:
          JAW, 034 Motorsport, Power Up Lubricants and OEM replacement parts
          (403) 690-7135


          • #20
            Re: Someone buy this, and take care of it

            Originally posted by Mitcheh View Post
            wow you mad?
            I think me and you are the only ones who will understand that. cereal.

            teenbb ftw!

            the guy posted that car for sale on facebook a few days ago, if your interested in what he looks like look in the marketplace.
            Originally posted by RedMile
            Don't bug the receiver though, he's far to busy to help you out.
            Originally posted by Smarty39
            haha, thanks man...I take it you're the receiver lol?


            • #21
              Re: Someone buy this, and take care of it

              I'm the only one who should feel like a douchebag.
              How embarassing.

              2004 VW R32 Turbo


              • #22
                Re: Someone buy this, and take care of it

                nah me too i guess. then again if.. i mean when i make 500+k/year i'll have a lambo in the summer and a lambo in the winter.. bling blao bitchez


                • #23
                  Re: Someone buy this, and take care of it

                  Originally posted by 95rado View Post
                  This is so ignorant....Why should he buy an a4? So people that can't afford bentleys don't get mad? This guy made money, did well enough for himself that he could buy a Bentley, its his right to drive it however and wherever the **** he wants to. It's not like he is crashing it into walls, hes driving in snow. You guys talking **** about some guy for enjoying what he worked for should be ashamed. All you guys talking **** about someone you don't know for driving their cars in what you consider less than ideal are the giant douches eating turd sandwiches.
                  How do you know it was paid for anyhow? Do you know him?
                  Last edited by nordex; 02-16-2008, 04:07 PM.


                  • #24
                    Re: Someone buy this, and take care of it

                    no shiz considering some people's mortage payments are 4000-6000/mo


                    • #25
                      Re: Someone buy this, and take care of it

                      Originally posted by RONDAL View Post
                      As I said, for these people its like going and buying a used mk2 jetta.
                      I was speaking with the guy who daily drives his porsche turbo in the winter cause its his "beater" and we were talking about my VR-T. The look on his face was just like why the hell would you ever even do that. He just doesn't appreciate the whole motoring point of it. He looks at us like we look at idiots who supercharge their cavaliers.
                      HEY! My 2003 Cavalier was Supercharged and I have to admit, I had fun driving it until an 18 yr old girl side swiped me, lol.
                      - Alex


                      • #26
                        Re: Someone buy this, and take care of it

                        Originally posted by Ryan View Post
                        no shiz considering some people's mortage payments are 4000-6000/mo
                        I have a client who pays $6800 a month, yeeeeeeeesh
                        I'd like to make a statment!
                        2012 Q5
                        2011 A5


                        • #27
                          Re: Someone buy this, and take care of it

                          Ya all for show.


                          • #28
                            Re: Someone buy this, and take care of it

                            do some of you think that they would build and market this car here if it couldn't survive winter? it's built for it so why not? i'm sure calgary isn't the only place where they are being driven in winter.
                            you probably don't like me because someone else said they didn't lol. <3


                            • #29
                              Re: Someone buy this, and take care of it

                              Originally posted by nordex View Post
                              How do you know it was paid for anyhow? Do you know him?
                              Somebody paid for it, and its fairly unlikey it was a gift from you, which means you thinking he is a douche for driving his car, is irrelevant and childish. If you bought it for him, you might have a right to be mad at him.


                              • #30
                                Re: Someone buy this, and take care of it

                                Originally posted by 95rado View Post
                                Somebody paid for it, and its fairly unlikey it was a gift from you, which means you thinking he is a douche for driving his car, is . If you bought it for him, you might have a right to be mad at him.
                                Good try, because what's actually irrelevant and childish is some guy posting on here what he thinks I am thinking.

                                All I did was ask a question...
                                Last edited by nordex; 02-17-2008, 02:57 AM.

