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Oink no more...

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  • #16
    Re: Oink no more...

    I am crushed. Nothing else out there was as good as oink.

    2010 Audi A4 S-Line
    2007 VW GTI 2.0T

    2003 VW Jetta GLI
    1992 VW Jetta GL
    1984 VW Rabbit GTI


    • #17
      Re: Oink no more...

      Just got this message in my facebook (I am a member of an OiNK related group):

      It is confirmed by at least 2 sides now that they really have the OiNK Userdata and will re-open OiNK on Nov 1 on 3 Servers worldwide.

      " We have received a lot of email asking us about the older Userdata and Scripts yes we have it all on backup from a third source (not Alan). However we will not give it out but only use it to restore the upload/download ratio, Forum posts Torrent IDs and comments so remember your OiNK login and password you will NOT be able to reset your password with your email as we wiped all email addresses for your security. You must else name the person who invited you to get your old account back but that may take time in the beginning as we expect to get overrun. The OiNKv2 url will be announced here on Nov 1. It is up and running and we are doing final tests with the new team and inviting old users already to beta test."

      Updates will be posted on

      2010 Audi A4 S-Line
      2007 VW GTI 2.0T

      2003 VW Jetta GLI
      1992 VW Jetta GL
      1984 VW Rabbit GTI


      • #18
        Re: Oink no more...

        F**K Just got a second message:

        Today at 9:11am
        I just got news. It's a scam.

        "Friday, 26 October 2007
        Another reminder about scam sites

        Once again, we do not currently have a donation fund for OiNK. Don't give money to sites like oink (dot) cx (dot) la -- They're probably just another site trying to make money from you. Again, none of the old staff are affiliated with this in any way.

        edit: In case I wasn't painfully clear, nobody but the admins had access to the databases and code. There is no way for a site like to have them. The reason why they're saying they won't give a URL until November 1st? They don't have one. They're taking in as much money as possible.

        EDIT2: Comments are now moderated
        Spammers from were littering the comments, all comments must be reviewed by myself. I realise this doesn't look good on my part, but I have to do what I have to do. I'll still let you have your little fantasies about the RIAA and government coming for you though.

        Posted by Paine at 08:19"

        2010 Audi A4 S-Line
        2007 VW GTI 2.0T

        2003 VW Jetta GLI
        1992 VW Jetta GL
        1984 VW Rabbit GTI


        • #19
          Re: Oink no more...

          HAHA. I have to admit, that's pretty damn sneaky.


          • #20
            Re: Oink no more...

            Is there really any worry here? I did donate money to oink me for the server… should I be worried at all?
            2001.5 Audi S4

            Originally posted by James
            My engine may be a solid 4 liters smaller than yours, but i have a HUGE penis


            • #21
              Re: Oink no more...

              ya interpol will find your ass and you are going to jail.
              2002 VW Golf GT TDI
              2016 VW Passat BiTDI


              • #22
                Re: Oink no more...

                I’m to delicate for jail!
                2001.5 Audi S4

                Originally posted by James
                My engine may be a solid 4 liters smaller than yours, but i have a HUGE penis


                • #23
                  Re: Oink no more...

                  I doubt you have anything to worry about. Plus you just donated so donating doesnt = stealing.

