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Bbq ?

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  • Bbq ?

    So the time has come to get myself a BBQ. I was just looking at some options, and could use some advice. I looked at BBQ's Galore, and it seemed fairly expensive. Other than that Rona, Home Depot, etc... all seem to have a decent selection. What about brand name; Weber, Broil-King?
    Sidewalks are for normal walkin.... aint no room for fancy walkin....

  • #2
    Re: Bbq ?

    first off whats your budget?
    second do you want to go charcoal or NG?
    Team Highschool
    Twin Turbo Turbo Smurf Avant - the home for all your turbo needs. PM me for details.


    • #3
      Re: Bbq ?

      I would prefer NG/Propane.... and my budget is around $600 if possible. I want something nice, not junk, but it doesn't need to be insane.
      Sidewalks are for normal walkin.... aint no room for fancy walkin....


      • #4
        Re: Bbq ?

        you want it to be able to do both NG and propane? or just one or the other? Its pretty much as simple as changing the hose coming out of the burner itself.

        We have a nice Broil King we got at home depot a few years ago, stainless steel, heats nice and evenly and keeps its heat well. Look for a nice thick cast lid and base to retain heat.
        Team Highschool
        Twin Turbo Turbo Smurf Avant - the home for all your turbo needs. PM me for details.


        • #5
          Re: Bbq ?

          We got our BBQ at Trail Appliances--pretty good selection.. Ours was a Vermont Castings brand, 3 burner, stainless steel, cast iron sides for top. It ran around $750, but we also got a propane heater ($300) thrown in as well.


          • #6
            Re: Bbq ?

            Sears has pretty good prices
            I'd like to make a statment!
            2012 Q5
            2011 A5


            • #7
              Re: Bbq ?

              I got a Weber Silver Genesis B from home depot last year. they were on sale for something like $500 (reg price was aorund $700) and home depot also had a deal with Weber where you get cast iron grilles with it. the same one @ BBQ's galore was the same price, but had stainless steel grilles.

              Weber BBQ's are built like tanks and will last forever.
              "When you see the tree you’re about to hit, it’s called under steer. When you can only feel and hear it, it’s over steer."


              • #8
                Re: Bbq ?

                bbq galore is awesome but its for ballers.. i bought my last one from them.. and from Home depot before that.. HD is good enough for the average guy for sure.. colin you don't need to blow 600 bucks.. you can get a wicked one nowadays for like 200-250 easily


                • #9
                  Re: Bbq ?

                  Originally posted by Ryan View Post
                  bbq galore is awesome but its for ballers.. i bought my last one from them..
                  Does that mean your a baller Ryan?..
                  Last edited by VAG_Tech; 05-07-2007, 06:26 PM.
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                  My posts and comments written here on this forum are on my spare time and are my personal opinion(s) and are not the opinion(s) or policy of my employer nor are they proven to be accurate. Use advice at your own risk.
                  You dig sucka?!


                  • #10
                    Re: Bbq ?

                    Sears for me - big ass thing for 300 - gift cards.
                    Fear is the element that unites all losers.


                    • #11
                      Re: Bbq ?

                      haha not really dave.. i just like bbqing

                      mine only cost like 280 from them.. they wanted to upgrade me to one that was like 2gs


                      • #12
                        Re: Bbq ?

                        I hear you my friend. Nothing like slapping the meat on the Q. I didn't mean to sound abrasive on my last post but I thought I'd poke some fun at your last comment. No offence.
                        Like Type 2's? Visit my blog!

                        My posts and comments written here on this forum are on my spare time and are my personal opinion(s) and are not the opinion(s) or policy of my employer nor are they proven to be accurate. Use advice at your own risk.
                        You dig sucka?!


                        • #13
                          Re: Bbq ?

                          BBQ my place this weekend me thinks
                          Team Highschool
                          Twin Turbo Turbo Smurf Avant

                 - the home for all your turbo needs. PM me for details.


                          • #14
                            Re: Bbq ?

                            Sounds good, thanks for the advice guys. Ryan, I'm no baller..... yet So 300-400 may be enough for me.

                            Sidewalks are for normal walkin.... aint no room for fancy walkin....

