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Yet another TV Thread

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  • Yet another TV Thread

    But this is a little different.

    It would seem that TV's are starting to come with RJ45 connections in the back. Does anyone have an idea what this is for? I know that IPTV is supposed to be the next big thing and should be out this year but is my dream coming true that you can just plug an ethernet cable straight in from your PC or other device? Or is it just some propietary gimick like being able to pull the guide off the web or something?

    Just curious if anyone knows before I actually do some research on my own .
    Last edited by Tuna; 02-23-2007, 03:32 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Yet another TV Thread

    Originally posted by Tuna View Post
    But this is a little different.

    It would seem that TV's are starting to come with RJ45 connections in the back. Does anyone have an idea what this is for? I know that IPTV is supposed to be the next big thing and should be out this year but is my dream coming true that you can just plug an ethernet cable straight in from your PC or other device? Or is it just some propietary gimick like being able to pull the guide off the web or something?

    Just curious if anyone knows before I actually do some research on my own .
    Currently, the thought process for many suppliers is that all TV content will eventually be provided via internet connection and thus an ethernet jack is essential equipment. How far down the road this could be who knows, but the average TV is currently owned for over 10 years so some are starting to think ahead.
    2006 Jetta TDI

    "If you think you don't like change, you will like obsolesence even less."


    • #3
      Re: Yet another TV Thread

      i've never even heard of that.. i thought 1080p was the latest deal haha.. either way just make sure it has 1080p and your set jason..


      • #4
        Re: Yet another TV Thread

        sorry to steal this jason but i have a question since were on tv's..i have a 3 yr old rear projection tv with hdtv (currently not hooked up to hdtv)would the picture be a huge differnce from my standard digital signal to hdtv? i have had the hdtv reciever for awhile now just dont know how to hook it up and didnt know if it was worth it

        all previews in stores are on the plasmas or lcds that i have seen.




        • #5
          Re: Yet another TV Thread

          Originally posted by Silverfire View Post
          sorry to steal this jason but i have a question since were on tv's..i have a 3 yr old rear projection tv with hdtv (currently not hooked up to hdtv)would the picture be a huge differnce from my standard digital signal to hdtv? i have had the hdtv reciever for awhile now just dont know how to hook it up and didnt know if it was worth it

          all previews in stores are on the plasmas or lcds that i have seen.
          Yes, standard tv vs hdtv is a big difference if you have a hdtv tv.
          Porsche 991 Carrera S


          • #6
            Re: Yet another TV Thread

            Yea Dayle, it will make a huge difference. I have a rear projection also and once I started playing video games in HD there was no going back.

            I'm not sure i'll get 1080p as that adds 4-600 to the price of the TV, i'm not sure it's worth it as it won't be my primary tv.

            Oh, and I figured out a little about the port. On the Toshiba's you can check email and stream music and video. I'm not sure if it uses proprietary software or what though. My thinking is they put it there for future expansion and for now they just have it doing some basic functions.

            Oh yea, I should add that the TV's I found these on are pretty high end after I started checking prices (Toshiba Regza).


            • #7
              Re: Yet another TV Thread

              i haven't fully read up on all the new HD movie specs but will HD and bluray work on 1080i just fine?? i'm like you jason i currently have a projection widescreen HDTV not a DLP (few years old now) and it looks amazing with my bell or x360

              i am looking to go DLP or LCD projection with 1080p as i was going to get a HD x360 movie player and burner and go nuts haha but if HDDVD work fine on 1080i i may just keep my TV for a while longer


              • #8
                Re: Yet another TV Thread

                Yea, i'm doing things a bit backwards as we'll probably keep my 42" rear projection for the movie watching and 360 in our loft and the nice new one (which will probably be better in almost every aspect) is just going to be a TV watching unit. I may stream stuff to it but there won't be any theatre so....

                Once I replace the rear projection then i'll have to look into a 1080p for sure but that's not going to be for a while as I have LOT's of stuff to buy for the house still plus other stuff.


                • #9
                  Re: Yet another TV Thread

                  haha yea me too.. not too many mods for the car .. too many house mods haha


                  • #10
                    Re: Yet another TV Thread

                    My thoughts:
                    • Don't worry about RJ45 ports on TV's. They are proprietary. There is no standardized way to deliver IPTV yet, so these ports are useless. They are like CableCard ports in Canada... totally useless. They may be useful for delivering firmware updates or something like that, but other TV's have other ways to do this too.
                    • Most people don't really need, and won't really notice 1080p. I have posted an online calculator and article on the board before that details when/where it would be useful.
                    • HD-DVD and BluRay definitely work on 1080i and 720p sets, and deliver an amazing picture on both. Much better than the HD you will get from Shaw/Bell/etc. Remember that the image on the disc is 1080p and that the compression is very low, so the picture looks great... much cleaner, less pixelation, blacks are smooth, etc. I have the Xbox 360 HD-DVD drive.
                    2013 Audi RS 5


                    • #11
                      Re: Yet another TV Thread

                      great info as always Bill, thanks.


                      • #12
                        Re: Yet another TV Thread

                        thanks bill! yea the x360 HD is my own house warming gift to myself haha.. the movies are quite expensive so i may shell out for a burner when they drop and start copying them as they are already cracked haha


                        • #13
                          Re: Yet another TV Thread

                          thx guys

                          anyone know what cables ill need to hook up the hdtv part?




                          • #14
                            Re: Yet another TV Thread

                            dayle just component cables.. get one from ebay because paying 100 bucks for one from futureshiz is BS.. ebay is like 15 bucks for a monster one.. then a digital audio cable if your receiver has the input for it..


                            • #15
                              Re: Yet another TV Thread

                              Originally posted by Ryan View Post
                              dayle just component cables.. get one from ebay because paying 100 bucks for one from futureshiz is BS.. ebay is like 15 bucks for a monster one.. then a digital audio cable if your receiver has the input for it..
                              I'd order cables through:




                              eBay is bad because you're liable to get the wrong product shipped to you, or get screwed on shipping costs, or other bs. I spend some time on home theatre forums and there are always stories of people getting the run around from ripoffs on ebay. Both of the above retailers are INCREDIBLY well respected and if you want cheap, monoprice has decent cables under $5 while bluejeans has cables that basically are electrically better than the ones that cost hundreds and hundreds of dollars.

                              Personally if I dropped thousands of dollars on a home theatre I would have no problem spending a hundred bucks on some high end audio and video cables just for the peace of mind and knowledge that any problems I have aren't because of crap cables or connectors.
                              Last edited by Kor; 03-01-2007, 03:09 AM.
                              Porsche 991 Carrera S

