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Computer Help

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  • Computer Help

    So we fried our computer a few nights ago by spilling a cup of water on it Motherboard, CPU, Video Card, Ram are all toast for sure.

    I havnt looked into new stuff forever so how does this look? I just want somthing decent that wont be out of date in a few yrs.

    Memory Express
    1gb Kingston Ram - 135
    AMD 3800 - 165
    Asus M2N-E Motherboard - 115
    Antec Case and Power Supply - 115
    7900GT Video Card - 290

    I hope my Hard drives are good still but is there any way of getting all my documents from them still? DVD burner is also a question

    Or is it better to just buy a complete built system from dell or future shop or somthing? Want to spend as little as possible




  • #2
    Re: Computer Help

    That adds up to $800, are you sure you can't just buy a whole new dell system for that much? Then you can also scavenge any parts from your current machine that may have survived, and add them to the dell.

    I bet you could order a Dell with 1gb, comparable processor (3500+ or maybe 3800), dell motherboard of course, dell case, comparable video card (probably ATi) but also get a 160GB hard drive, DVD drive, and maybe even a small LCD display for around that much?

    Hell you could sell the hard drive and brand new LCD display and probably come out ahead.

    I say work out the options on the dell website.
    Last edited by Kor; 02-09-2007, 12:56 PM.
    Porsche 991 Carrera S


    • #3
      Re: Computer Help

      im not sure what dell costs im kinda looking at there website now...i would have looked around online but having no computer at home sucks and my time here expires on the public library computer soon

      only good parts for sure are the old power supply which wont work with that pci thing they have now and a big cpu fan that i guess dosnt fit the newer cpu's anymore...and a few fans and hopfully the harddrives/dvd burner and i want a new quieter case anyhow

      so can anyone put somthing better together for me from a store in town here?




      • #4
        Re: Computer Help

        that any good? i allready have a 19" lcd that i guess id sell if i went with somthing like that




        • #5
          Re: Computer Help

          Ok wtf - the memory express one you built has a top line gaming graphics card, while the dell you built has a crap onboard one. Also don't buy a monitor/pay for shipping if you don't need it, you'll simply lose money. Get one of the lower priced modern processors, the bang for buck of going higher is not worth it.

          If you don't need a whole system, OEM depot/Memory express is cheaper. Especially if you already have your Windows XP key/sticker.

          Fear is the element that unites all losers.


          • #6
            Re: Computer Help

            just go dell. good prices, good warranty. I doubt your hard drive is screwed. I'm sure the data is recoverable.
            another good option is the pre-built systems are memoryexpress.


            • #7
              Re: Computer Help

              I'd get the dell just try to configure one that has a better video card and no monitor.
              Porsche 991 Carrera S


              • #8
                Re: Computer Help

                if your HD's and DVD didnt get wet im sure theyll be ok.
                Keep your own LCD no point getting a new one it wont give you anything new. If you like to play new games then i wouldnt get any of the GFX cards that are options on the dell site, they wont run msot of the new stuff to well now never mind in a few months. Building one from parts isnt to hard, if you get them from memexpress they will mount your processor (the hardest part) and memory for you while you wait.

                If you do get a mew moboard tehn check it has IDE connectors for your existing drives, lots now only come with SATA interfaces!

                If you want to know what you would get homebuilt for a certain cost let me know the money your wanting to spend and what youll be doing with theh comp and ill pick some parts out for you and you can see what you think.
                Last edited by Kordain; 02-09-2007, 06:04 PM.

                Nobody knows everything, but everybody knows something you don't!


                • #9
                  Re: Computer Help

                  Originally posted by Khyron View Post
                  Ok wtf - the memory express one you built has a top line gaming graphics cardKhyron
                  dell didnt give me any good options on video cards....i priced out that same system at memory express with a 22" widescreen and it was about 500 more then dell.

                  so i ordered that dell with a 22" monitor ($900) taxes in and shipped and ill just buy a video card to put in it from somwhere

                  dells shipping was free so didnt have to worry about that




                  • #10
                    Re: Computer Help

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