Re: Gaming Time!
I got GT5 on Friday.... man I am sooo disappointed. I really have to say, all those people who reviewed this game online and gave it top marks.. did they ever play GT1,2,3, &4?
Menu screen is crap and badly organised and whats with emphasis on B spec racing? Who buys a racing simulation and then sits there to watch a computer AI race? I mean who does that? Why not just watch real life racing?
As for the driving licences, in GT4 there was this nice thing called coffee break in between doing the different trials. Nothing in GT5.
The game takes a million years to install. Once it does install it takes ages to get into the game. Its always loading. Menu music is crap and annoying.
Polyphony got GT5 wrong in my books. The whole human user interface is very badly done. The whole transition from menu screen to racing is bad, there is none. It just does not feel well put together like in GT4.
I played Forza 2 on my nephews Xbox (before it broke down) a couple years back. I kills me to say it, but it that game slams GT5. GT4 was the dogs bollocks, great game. How did they go from that to this...? Like is said, six years for this?
Jhop, just return the game. Trust me...
I got GT5 on Friday.... man I am sooo disappointed. I really have to say, all those people who reviewed this game online and gave it top marks.. did they ever play GT1,2,3, &4?
Menu screen is crap and badly organised and whats with emphasis on B spec racing? Who buys a racing simulation and then sits there to watch a computer AI race? I mean who does that? Why not just watch real life racing?
As for the driving licences, in GT4 there was this nice thing called coffee break in between doing the different trials. Nothing in GT5.
The game takes a million years to install. Once it does install it takes ages to get into the game. Its always loading. Menu music is crap and annoying.
Polyphony got GT5 wrong in my books. The whole human user interface is very badly done. The whole transition from menu screen to racing is bad, there is none. It just does not feel well put together like in GT4.
I played Forza 2 on my nephews Xbox (before it broke down) a couple years back. I kills me to say it, but it that game slams GT5. GT4 was the dogs bollocks, great game. How did they go from that to this...? Like is said, six years for this?
Jhop, just return the game. Trust me...