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The long road home - Intro and an epic road trip all for a car.

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  • vteclol
    Re: The long road home - Intro and an epic road trip all for a car.

    Thats awesome Ponto! Im very jealous of all your little adventures

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  • Ponto
    Re: The long road home - Intro and an epic road trip all for a car.

    Originally posted by stef2.7t View Post
    Looks Sweet!
    Yeah man there were some awesome views... realize now that the view from the fort - picture sucks big time.. haha was some mist down in the bay, could see a few tankers off in the distance. It looked awesomer than my picture i swear!!

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  • stef2.7t
    Re: The long road home - Intro and an epic road trip all for a car.

    Looks Sweet!

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  • Ponto
    Re: The long road home - Intro and an epic road trip all for a car.

    So Day 3, we got an early start (Much to Melissa's dismay, but she was excited for the trip as well so she obliged me and woke up at 4:30 to get ready) And then I woke up at 5:15, showered, got ready and we were out the door by 5:30am. The first ferry to the island was 7:00am and it suggested being there ready to board half hour to an hour early, so since i have never taken BC Ferries I figured best be there for 7.

    It was fairly dark until we got to the docks so no pictures driving through Van lol. Plus I was still waking up.

    And here we go!
    Got that upper deck... Er Berth. I like my childhood hockey card reference better.

    Not their biggest ship, wasn't crazy busy this early on a friday either.

    See ya mainland!

    And got the ol girl tucked away safely! Oh man, there was a red mustang one lane over in front of us... Lady did not know how to park, pulled in nice and crooked and pretty much on the line. She was a little older, and well larger... needless to say she couldn't get out of her car.... And she was giving the people next to her the stink eye like mad, Melissa and I sat and laughed for a bit. Then I got out, helped her back her car up and move it over a bit. Felt kinda bad. But stupid is as stupid does.

    Little bit of a gloomy mornin :( forcast said sunny, wtf forecasters... I wish I could be that wrong and still keep my job.

    And bam, back in the car ready to unload! Melissa is in the car rolling her eyes at me for taking so many car pictures. (You'd think she would have figured it out by now that I am always going to take lots of pictures)

    Heey look... BURTA! Douche cannoe romped on it as he was pulling out as well.

    And just like that we were in Victoria, parked the car and started wandering around! Beautiful city for sure.

    Love all the old buildings.

    Baam ballin hotel... naah we didn't stay there, figured 400+ was a little to much for one night.

    And the Parliament building, did not know there was one in Victoria, but man it's awesome!

    Hey its us!!

    So after wandering downtown for awhile we decided to venture out a bit further and go find this old Lighthouse we looked up. Turns out, its the oldest lighthouse in Canada!

    It was part of an old military fort so we got to explore that as well, cost a wopping 7 dollars!

    View from the fort was amazing!!

    Fort stuff...

    And bam, oldest lighthouse in Canada - The fisgard lighthouse (irrc)

    Beautiful out here!

    Boom! A cannon! Need to get a hitch... or roof mount that ***** for traffic.

    Then at the hotel, heeey another 3.2!

    And a mini, little worse for ware but still so nice... and tiny!

    Spotted this beauty on our walk abouts as well - Actually on our way to dinner at the most amazing Italian place ever, Pagliacci's my word was it delicious!!

    This pretty much ends the first day, did more wandering around and got an awesome sunset at the marina!

    Tried a few night shots only a handful really turned out so heres two!

    End of Day 3 Distance = A measly 150km! haha

    Trip Total = 1430km

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  • Ponto
    Re: The long road home - Intro and an epic road trip all for a car.

    Ah good to hear guys! Once Melissa is done school hopefully plan to have some more epic (And different) road trips in the coming years. After seeing a guy on 780tuners post up a thread about driving his M shoe with a buddy to the arctic circle I kinda wanna do that, or well Alaska at least.

    At work, but going to try and get Day 3 Posted here shortly! Next up Vancouver Island!

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  • Ur0Drivr
    Re: The long road home - Intro and an epic road trip all for a car.

    Yup, I read them keep it coming Ponto!

    Sent from my perch atop Mount Olympus

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  • Canadian Turbo
    Re: The long road home - Intro and an epic road trip all for a car.

    Of course we read the journals, well at least I do!!!

    Thanks for sharing and looking forward to the rest of the trip!! (I only get to go on trains and planes mostly these days so this is a nice escape for me.)
    Last edited by Canadian Turbo; 09-30-2014, 02:32 AM.

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  • Ponto
    Re: The long road home - Intro and an epic road trip all for a car.

    Hows about Day 2!!

    Spend the morning with my sister and her kids, farmers market, few kid games, trampoline etc. nice relaxed morning before hitting the road around 1 in the afternoon.

    Little cloudy of a morning, but good for a drive. (What day isn't though right?)

    View's through this area very different from the Rockies, reminds me a lot of italy actually and well makes sense since its BC's wine country. (some cool wineries there as well)

    Loving the new increased speed limits though! Makes a big difference really and well proven to be safer. More consistent speed of cars on the highway = less accidents. Wish Alberta would smarten up.

    Came to a bit of a peak, some amazing views overlooking the valleys!

    Morning coffee kicked in.

    Clouds started to clear up, and it was turning out to be a great day!

    Ok maybe not, but still great driving weather, no sun in the eyes, cool fall temps - perfect really.

    And of course, once you get closer to the coast what do you get? Yeaa rain, always with the rain.

    Enroute to HPA and there was this...

    Not exactly sure what he was doing up there haha, but he was just getting out of his car when I passed. Maybe avoided an accident? Not sure. But had a nice visit at HPA, pucked up yet another puck mount.. This time for a guy in South Africa with a bad as S3 (3 door) on air... Will dig up pictures. But he was coming to USA for H20i so figured we could help him out, I pick up the mount, drop it off with buddy in Bellingham and he shipped it out east to our friend on the coast going to h2oi, the power of the A3 group haha.

    Obligatory bridge shot arriving to Vancouver.

    And this is pretty much the end of Day 2.

    Approx. Distance = 440km

    Trip Total = 1,280km

    Enjoyed the rest of the day in Van with the girlfriend, had dinner etc nothing to crazy as we were hitting the ferry to Vancouver Island at 7am and wanted to be there nice and early to make sure we got on. (BC ferries can get pretty busy apparently)


    Last edited by Ponto; 09-29-2014, 10:42 PM.

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  • Ponto
    Re: The long road home - Intro and an epic road trip all for a car.

    Well here we go! Not sure if any of you actually read any of these or not haha but what the hell!

    Day 1...

    We have been swamped at work lately so after getting in at 6am working til 5pm it was time to hit the road!

    Full tank of gas and car loaded I was on the road, first up massive overpass going in on the south side of the city. It was easier to build the overpass, then realign the highway under it. Will be tying into one of our developments to the west after.

    Being on the highway is always a good feeling, love driving (as I am sure you all know by now!) And even more so with this view.

    Beautiful evening to be on the highway as well!

    And luckily managed to snap a cool sunset shot through the tree's while driving.

    I loved how golden the wheat fields all looked with the sun setting on them! It may be flat but the prairies can still offer some good views!

    Ooook after 3+ hours the flat straight roads do start to get very boring haha.

    As I left the flat grounds of Alberta I ventured into the darkness and the rockies! Shame cause I love driving through the mountains. Guess the one plus side is the highways are dead at night!

    Then it got really dark...

    From here I continued on til about 2am when I arrived at my sisters place in Vernon for the night! Was a long haul after a full day of work, but good to have a majority of the drive taken care of.

    Day 1 approx. distace = 840km

    Day 2 to follow!
    Last edited by Ponto; 09-29-2014, 07:42 PM.

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  • Ponto
    Re: The long road home - Intro and an epic road trip all for a car.

    And home!!

    Travel journal style post to follow tonight.

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  • Ponto
    Re: The long road home - Intro and an epic road trip all for a car.

    Almost time to come home.

    Rainy day in Vancouver today.

    And while I was in Seattle buddy had these for me.

    5 cree led reverse bulbs. Should pump out about 400 lumens.

    This is also shipping out Monday to meet me at home.

    Sent from my Igloo

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  • Ponto
    Re: The long road home - Intro and an epic road trip all for a car.

    Well after I get back from Vacation some goodies are going to be on the way!! Yay!

    Updates to follow.

    Last edited by Ponto; 09-16-2014, 07:49 AM.

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  • Ponto
    Re: The long road home - Intro and an epic road trip all for a car.

    Originally posted by Mr.Avant View Post
    Not sure if I'm serious or not. When's the trip?
    Leaving on the 18th, return on the 28th

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  • Mr.Avant
    Re: The long road home - Intro and an epic road trip all for a car.

    Not sure if I'm serious or not. When's the trip?

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  • Ponto
    Re: The long road home - Intro and an epic road trip all for a car.

    Originally posted by Mr.Avant View Post
    There's some recaros in Vancouver. Want to snatch those up for me?
    Hmm would have to bring roof rack to fit bike and seats then... Dooable though. Brent wanted me to grab some painting for him as well.

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