hope this is the right area to do this. I just stumbled upon your site and figured id join up.
my name's josh and im from Vancouver bc. and this is my 1980 bmw 320is
this is how she sat when i got her back in February.

then i mounted up the front euro bumper and rocked it like with for about a month and a half

mounting up the rear euro bumper

and last but not least how she sits today,

(pic from bimmerfest 2011 in Pasadena ca.)
I also have a grey one that’s currently FS asking $1500 here is a pic.
my name's josh and im from Vancouver bc. and this is my 1980 bmw 320is
this is how she sat when i got her back in February.

then i mounted up the front euro bumper and rocked it like with for about a month and a half

mounting up the rear euro bumper

and last but not least how she sits today,

(pic from bimmerfest 2011 in Pasadena ca.)

I also have a grey one that’s currently FS asking $1500 here is a pic.
