Well, looking for a different forum, and somehow came accross this, so we will see how it goes.
nearly stock 1992 golf GL, only things I have done so far have been putting a 7 slat grille on, and I bought some P-slots with rubber. I have a modded 60.40 cup kit that will be installed soon aswell.
but less talk, here is Das money pit:

Just went for a mechanical inspection, nothing is wrong with it, the undercarrige is actually cleaner then the body, appears that is has never been driven during the winter!
thanks for looking, new pictures with the 7 slat and grille soon
nearly stock 1992 golf GL, only things I have done so far have been putting a 7 slat grille on, and I bought some P-slots with rubber. I have a modded 60.40 cup kit that will be installed soon aswell.
but less talk, here is Das money pit:

Just went for a mechanical inspection, nothing is wrong with it, the undercarrige is actually cleaner then the body, appears that is has never been driven during the winter!
thanks for looking, new pictures with the 7 slat and grille soon