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Just Joined - New GTI

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  • #16
    Re: Just Joined - New GTI

    Congrats on the sale Myles! Where you getting the spoiler from and are you going with white for it?
    Former Cars: '12 Fiat 500, '10 VW GTI, '05 Smart Fortwo, '96 VW Jetta GLX, '02 VW GTI 337.........


    • #17
      Re: Just Joined - New GTI

      Waiting to confirm the order with Bud@CheckeredFlagVW over on vortex. With the CAD $ being so good, and the deal he's offering, it's nearly twice as cheap as getting the parts ordered and painted locally. I thought about getting the lip black, but I saw it on a red GTI, and it doesn't pop out as much, so I'm getting color matched white.


      • #18
        Re: Just Joined - New GTI

        Do you think it would save in shipping to get two together?
        Former Cars: '12 Fiat 500, '10 VW GTI, '05 Smart Fortwo, '96 VW Jetta GLX, '02 VW GTI 337.........


        • #19
          Re: Just Joined - New GTI

          Originally posted by Canadian Turbo View Post
          Do you think it would save in shipping to get two together?
          Myles if it does save on shipping...and Blair also gets one...I might be interested also depending where I am with $$$ haha only thing is, mine is the MkV. Looking for a front votex lip.

          I may also contact him and see what he can do.


          • #20
            Re: Just Joined - New GTI

            I left him a voicemail about the 2010 part. He quoted me $25 for UPS shipping for the 1 lip, so long as the weight wasn't a big issue, we might be able to save a bit. I'll ask him when he gets back to me - hopefully soon. I think he's a busy guy.

            luuluu, he originally thought I was interested in the MKV front spoiler, and it's more expensive - I think it was close to $500 painted and shipped. I don't think that was the Votex one you're looking for either, but I'm not sure.


            • #21
              Re: Just Joined - New GTI

              Different topic. So I've had the GTI for 1 month now - love it. But I have an annoying squeak coming from the front driver side. The car was looked at by the dealership, but they could not reproduce the sound. Suspension was checked and everything appeared okay, so I'm glad it's not a mechanical issue. Anyway, I decided to make a video of it (I got a new camera, so I want to use it). The sound appears to lessen if I put pressure on the dash near my left knee beside the steering wheel. I'd really like to get it fixed, any ideas?


              • #22
                Re: Just Joined - New GTI

                Hmmm I would think maybe a trim piece or something, I do not have a similar sound occurring in my car. I do seem to be getting a bit of a creak on my passenger side A pillar ish area but usually a couple come out and see if the suspension change will do for that.

                I am not 100% on the spoiler but if it saves as a few bucks then I could be tempted and think I will go black to be different and not worry about scratching it.
                Former Cars: '12 Fiat 500, '10 VW GTI, '05 Smart Fortwo, '96 VW Jetta GLX, '02 VW GTI 337.........


                • #23
                  Re: Just Joined - New GTI

                  Damn I wish my .:R was that silent!!!

                  -2008 Avus Silver RS4-Fat ass II
                  -1996 C4S-Fat Ass
                  -2007 FJ Cruiser-6 speed


                  • #24
                    Re: Just Joined - New GTI

                    Blair, I paid $285 for the front spoiler painted and shipped. I asked him if there would be a better deal if we did it for 2 and he said no since he's already eating half of the shipping costs.


                    • #25
                      Re: Just Joined - New GTI

                      Oh, I also ordered a BSH Race Catch Can (vent to atmosphere) today. I'm convinced on the benefits of capturing all of the blowby gasses on the stock PCV setup. Looks like a super easy install too.


                      • #26
                        Re: Just Joined - New GTI

                        Damn I wish my .:R was that silent!!!
                        Many creaks and squeaks on a 6yr old car become tolerable :P I've already accepted the B-pillar noises on the driver side, but this one drives me nuts!
                        Last edited by mylesw42; 04-15-2010, 10:24 AM.


                        • #27
                          Re: Just Joined - New GTI

                          Thanks for checking and look forward to seeing all these bits in person at some point!
                          Former Cars: '12 Fiat 500, '10 VW GTI, '05 Smart Fortwo, '96 VW Jetta GLX, '02 VW GTI 337.........


                          • #28
                            Re: Just Joined - New GTI

                            Originally posted by mylesw42 View Post
                            luuluu, he originally thought I was interested in the MKV front spoiler, and it's more expensive - I think it was close to $500 painted and shipped. I don't think that was the Votex one you're looking for either, but I'm not sure.
                            Yeah, I just got a quote for the Votex lip. $455 painted plus 48 bucks for shipping. pretty good since tmt and ecs sell theirs for about 390 not painted and primed iirc and doesn't include shipping yet.

                            I think I'll just get my wheels instead and wait on the lip. Still waiting for Forge to release their TSI catch can too. It's taking forever damn


                            • #29
                              Re: Just Joined - New GTI

                              Got my BSH VTA Catch can this week. Haven't installed it yet. Crappy weather :( Just waiting for my front spoiler to come in, and unfortunately no more mods for a while. My cat Socks got sick just before I went on vacation, he has pancreatitis, lost his appetite, which led to fatty liver disease and jaundice. He was in the hospital and he now has a feeding tube so I can get him his required calorie intake. Needless to say, the bill is not friendly to my cheque book, but I don't care so long as he pulls though.


                              • #30
                                Re: Just Joined - New GTI

                                Holy chit - looks 100% like my cat! Hopes he recovers!
                                Last edited by Snowcatxx87; 05-05-2010, 04:03 PM.

