Rear engine mustang:

240sx with a small block chev:

Will Castro from Unique Whips:

Scion with a claw machine:

The Mclarren had Alberta plates

Toyota Offroad Challenge:

Robotic airbrushing:

This MK2 had a MK3 2.0, Carbon bumpers front and rear, carbon hatch, carbon flares, air suspension

This is not photoshopped or anything, the car is around 1-1.5m wide and does the 1/4mile in under 13sec. Oh and it’s electric!

If you get a tattoo of the Dunlop logo you get a free set of tires

Kind of hard to tell in this pic but those are “clear” rims

The new m3:


Myself and Michelin man:

Audi S5:

New matrix if anyone here cares:

Most comfortable seat ever:

My favourite pic:
