I purchased a S5 Air Leather shift knob to match my Rs5 steering wheel, the seller told me he would include a new "adjustable clip" for me for when I remove my old knob as I guess I have to break the clip that is on there now.
There was no "clip" in the package that arrived so I'm not sure what I need to do the job. Can one of you DIY guys identify the clip from his removal pictures and let me know what I need to go out and purchase before I remove my old shift knob.
I'm pretty sure it's the silver thing lol as that is not on the shifter right now.
And as always, thanks for all of the help!
There was no "clip" in the package that arrived so I'm not sure what I need to do the job. Can one of you DIY guys identify the clip from his removal pictures and let me know what I need to go out and purchase before I remove my old shift knob.
I'm pretty sure it's the silver thing lol as that is not on the shifter right now.
And as always, thanks for all of the help!