as some of you know im out in kingston ontario working right now. ill be coming back to alberta in march. tonight i was going to the store to get a bag of chips, i get pulled over by kingston po po. i was doing 80 in a 60, oh well it could be worse i guess.... first thing the cop said was " whats wrong with your exhaust?" i run SSAC dps not res with a stright pipe out the back. yes its loud but not aginst the law as fas as i know. after 40 mins of sitting on the side of the road he comes back and gives me a ticket for 20kmh over, figured as much.....then gives me one for $365.00 for driving a car without emission equiptment installed. and gives me a 10 day notice to make my car legal in ontario. i called the cgy police to see if i was breaking the law in ab and he said there is no emissions laws in alberta. no rules on cats, and we dont test for emissions. this i already knew but i just wanted to make sure. my car is ab registered and insured. im only here on work, ill be fighting this ticket tomorrow or thurs in court and it better get thrown out. my car is legal where its registered and where i live. what do they want? should i swap exhausts every time i travel to another province? oh yea and the cop said im not allowed to drive my car untill i get it "fixed". i have to have it towed to a shop and install factory exhaust. ha ha like im gonna do that. he also said that because of people like me the enviroment is in the shape its in. all my car does is kill trees.
if anyone has any input on this situation id like to hear it. am i right or is the cop right and what would you do ?
if anyone has any input on this situation id like to hear it. am i right or is the cop right and what would you do ?