Well it appears the fricking day before i was to see jordan to get my car tuned my alternator Sh*t the bed! FML, how hard are these to replace and what costs as i going to be looking at.
I was driving for about 20 minutes noticed my voltage was at about 11. Then i hit a stop sign and it went right back up... thought it was odd. driving home after my stop i noticed it dipped to about 10, and then 8 at which point i got home shut it off, tried to restart it and it was completely dead.!!
why do these cars like to F*ck with us and always test to the point where you want to take a match to it!
ugh! hopin a belt went too dark to tell.. what other things could it be! there were no other issues up until today when the battery light came on!
I was driving for about 20 minutes noticed my voltage was at about 11. Then i hit a stop sign and it went right back up... thought it was odd. driving home after my stop i noticed it dipped to about 10, and then 8 at which point i got home shut it off, tried to restart it and it was completely dead.!!
why do these cars like to F*ck with us and always test to the point where you want to take a match to it!
ugh! hopin a belt went too dark to tell.. what other things could it be! there were no other issues up until today when the battery light came on!