The next meeting will be held on Thursday June 1st at 8pm at the Heritage Gate Boston Pizza. The meeting should see us well into the summer season and we can begin planning for mid month meets too, like last year. Also can talk about the dyno day and still the possibilty of a show and shine and our Alberta wide end of summer event.
I will not be in attendance for this meeting as I will be on my way to Greece, so I am not sure if memberships and stickers will be available, depends if I can get someone to handle them for me. I did however get a new batch of stickers made (silver, red and white this time) along with brand new Eurodrivers membership cards.
Hope we have a good turnout and I can see some pics once I find myself a computer somewhere
I will not be in attendance for this meeting as I will be on my way to Greece, so I am not sure if memberships and stickers will be available, depends if I can get someone to handle them for me. I did however get a new batch of stickers made (silver, red and white this time) along with brand new Eurodrivers membership cards.
Hope we have a good turnout and I can see some pics once I find myself a computer somewhere
