Well it is that time of year for the big Fahrfromhome cruise and show and shine brought to us by the hard working folks at CVD and Airriders. The show is Sunday May 29th (day after DTP) in Sylvan Lake. The Calgary side meets up at Deerfoot mall at 8am for registration and then we all cruise up to Sylvan together meeting with the Edmonton crew in Red Deer. The drive up is amazing and the show is lots of fun if you have never been. There is no competition so all cars no matter of condition or mods are more than welcome to attend, all about dub love and having fun!!!
Last year the NVD contingent was fairly small so maybe this year we can kick it up a bit. We also can meet ahead of time and roll to Deerfoot as a group and then join up with the others. I think the show is $3 for members and $8 for non and they usually accept NVD memberships at par
Lets make this a big show weekend!!!!!
Last year the NVD contingent was fairly small so maybe this year we can kick it up a bit. We also can meet ahead of time and roll to Deerfoot as a group and then join up with the others. I think the show is $3 for members and $8 for non and they usually accept NVD memberships at par

Lets make this a big show weekend!!!!!