The next formal meeting will be Thursday September 2nd at 8pm at our usual haunt Heritage Gate Boston Pizza. The normal hanging out having a bite to eat and checking out the latest mods will occur. We maybe finalizing the info for our end of season events such as a dyno day and possible Banff cruise.
This will also be the last meeting for one of our members Wee-One and the return of our Polish mad man Bart! I encourage everyone to come out no matter what kind of car or mods you have just come down and have some fun, meet some new folks and suppport newveedub!!!
Hope to see you all there!!
This will also be the last meeting for one of our members Wee-One and the return of our Polish mad man Bart! I encourage everyone to come out no matter what kind of car or mods you have just come down and have some fun, meet some new folks and suppport newveedub!!!
Hope to see you all there!!
