The April meeting is going to be on April 1, 2004 at 8pm at the Westbrook Boston Pizza Location. After the results of the poll and lobbying from various members this will be a trial run on the Westbrook location for the meeting. I am not too keen on alternating the locations as this may get confusing for people as they may not know which location to go to and so on. That being said we will see how everyone likes this location and decide either to keep it or go back to the old location after this meet.
Cars will be getting close to summer mode so everyone should come out and see the rides and have a bite and chat with fellow dubbers. We should be getting prepared for VUB and Farfromhome at this point, and setting up the second dyno day and perhaps a social event.
Hope to see you all out, new faces and cars are always welcome and memberships and new window cards should be ready for this meet.
Cars will be getting close to summer mode so everyone should come out and see the rides and have a bite and chat with fellow dubbers. We should be getting prepared for VUB and Farfromhome at this point, and setting up the second dyno day and perhaps a social event.
Hope to see you all out, new faces and cars are always welcome and memberships and new window cards should be ready for this meet.