On wheels for Kenya!
Love In action (University of Calgary student club)
You are invited to participate on our first car show event that will be happening on June 22nd, 2013 from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm, at McMahon stadium. All the funds raised from this event will go to a non-profit organization in Kenya whose mission is to alleviate the suffering of the HIV/AIDS infected and affected, by providing them with health care, education, income generating programs and rehabilitation.
Your Participation will help us help them continue and hopefully increase the number of families benefited from their programs.
There is a minimum registration cost of $10.00 but its open to donations.
For additional information please contact Andres Nino at (403) 836-3717
To register your car please click the registration link below or send us an email at loveinactionclub@hotmail.com
For additional information on the Organization we are trying to help, please check their website at http://www.livingpositivekenya.org or contact us to the e-mail above.