Tunerworks Porsche & BMW Open House
Time: Saturday, April 28th 10am - 1pm
Location: Tunerworks Performance Service Centre
5330 1A Street S.W. (Just a few doors north of our Showroom)
I'd like to invite all our BMW & Porsche enthusiasts from Eurodrivers down to the event to come and check out our service facilities, meet our sales staff and just generally enjoy a Saturday surrounded by awesome German automobiles.
We are having an open house for the BMW and Porsche clubs next Saturday, April 28th from 10am – 1pm at the Tunerworks Service Centre. There will be a range of cool cars to check out as well as snacks and drinks to keep everyone happy.
If anyone has any questions please don't hesitate to shoot me us an E-Mail and we would be glad to answer them!
Hope to see a bunch of you down there!