All the non car related stuff...
Dishwasher: Works fine, we just upgraded to a newer/better one. $75 obo

K2 Satellite 159cm snowboard: Generally in good condition, couple normal scratches from riding, nothing a wax and base grind cant fix. $75 obo

K2 Bindings: One of the straps is broken, I have no use for these. If anyone wants these, come and get em. FREE Obo

JVC DVD/VCR Combo. Works great, just don't need it anymore. Treat your kids to some great old school Disney VHS movies that are collecting dust in your basement. $20 obo

All prices are very obo, throw an offer my way or some beer!
Dishwasher: Works fine, we just upgraded to a newer/better one. $75 obo

K2 Satellite 159cm snowboard: Generally in good condition, couple normal scratches from riding, nothing a wax and base grind cant fix. $75 obo

K2 Bindings: One of the straps is broken, I have no use for these. If anyone wants these, come and get em. FREE Obo

JVC DVD/VCR Combo. Works great, just don't need it anymore. Treat your kids to some great old school Disney VHS movies that are collecting dust in your basement. $20 obo

All prices are very obo, throw an offer my way or some beer!