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FS: Canon Rebel XTi (400D) with 18-55mm lens

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  • FS: Canon Rebel XTi (400D) with 18-55mm lens

    Hey guys,

    So i'm planning on upgrading my SLR. This is a good entry level camera for anyone getting into photography and pretty easy to use. Price i'm asking is $330 OBO. Comes with battery that still works fine, 1G CF card, 4G CF card, battery charger and whatever else I can find. Everything is mint.

    the cable to plug the camera to pc (usb) and camera to TV are included as well as the bag (roots bag)

    Last edited by luuluu; 01-16-2013, 08:25 PM.

  • #2
    Re: FS: Canon Rebel XTi (400D) with 18-55mm lens

    pics added!

