custom build 2010 Intense Slopestyle, size large, matte black finish
Built in late 2010, only ridden June 2011-Oct 2011
Fox DHX5.0 w/ 500lb spring installed, have 450 as well that will go with bike.
Fox Van 36 RC2 recently overhauled
Shimano Saint hubs
Shimano Saint brakes just bled
Shimano Saint rear Derailleur
Shimano Saint rear shifter (trigger)
Shimano Saint cranks and BB
Minion F&R Tires, rear is month old
Mavix Deetracks Rims
Thompson seat post
Easton bar
Chris King gold headset
E-thirteen chain guide
$2300 OBO

custom build 2010 Intense Slopestyle, size large, matte black finish
Built in late 2010, only ridden June 2011-Oct 2011
Fox DHX5.0 w/ 500lb spring installed, have 450 as well that will go with bike.
Fox Van 36 RC2 recently overhauled
Shimano Saint hubs
Shimano Saint brakes just bled
Shimano Saint rear Derailleur
Shimano Saint rear shifter (trigger)
Shimano Saint cranks and BB
Minion F&R Tires, rear is month old
Mavix Deetracks Rims
Thompson seat post
Easton bar
Chris King gold headset
E-thirteen chain guide
$2300 OBO
