Bought at Sears! Like new! Used very little and an awesome machine for someone, Everything works perfect. Free spirit treadmills start @ $800.00 in the store. This one was purchased for $1800 new a few years ago. A great treadmill for someone adding to making a home gym!
Comes complete with a powerful motor, 8 programs, two cooling fans and many other great features.
4 LED windows - 3 data, 1 large dot matrix message window. Scrolling LED monitor displays time, speed, laps, distance, calories, pulse and programs
Pulse pickup on handlebars
2 cooling fans, beverage holder, book and towel rack
Motorized power incline up to 15% in 0.1% increments; plus 5 quick-incline buttons. 0.6-10 mph with 5 quick-speed control buttons
20 x 55" cushioned running surface; Supports up to 250 lbs; 2-ply belt
Folds for storage with soft drop deck; 4 roller wheels
8 programs (5 preset, 1 manual, 2 user). Multi programs makes it easy to select the right workout, simple press a button and follow the instruction screen
It costs less than .50 cents to run your Free Spirit treadmill for 1 hour; Recycled content in packaging; Powder paint has no lead; No power is drawn from the outlet when the switch is off.
Call or text 403-862-8237, needs to be moved with a large vehicle!

Comes complete with a powerful motor, 8 programs, two cooling fans and many other great features.
4 LED windows - 3 data, 1 large dot matrix message window. Scrolling LED monitor displays time, speed, laps, distance, calories, pulse and programs
Pulse pickup on handlebars
2 cooling fans, beverage holder, book and towel rack
Motorized power incline up to 15% in 0.1% increments; plus 5 quick-incline buttons. 0.6-10 mph with 5 quick-speed control buttons
20 x 55" cushioned running surface; Supports up to 250 lbs; 2-ply belt
Folds for storage with soft drop deck; 4 roller wheels
8 programs (5 preset, 1 manual, 2 user). Multi programs makes it easy to select the right workout, simple press a button and follow the instruction screen
It costs less than .50 cents to run your Free Spirit treadmill for 1 hour; Recycled content in packaging; Powder paint has no lead; No power is drawn from the outlet when the switch is off.
Call or text 403-862-8237, needs to be moved with a large vehicle!
