Alright, just going through a bunch of stuff and need to get rid of a few things! I'll add and stuff as I find bits and pieces.....All items must be PICK UP only in Tuscany
First off FREE STUFF:
Epson CX4200 All-in-one Printer/Scanner/photo printer/copier etc. Works perfect, just needs ink! Pick it up or its garbage!

Ikea Kirp checkmark shelves x2

Wall mounted dish rack, identical to this one except WHITE

For Sale stuff:
Palliser Garrich Theater seating, 3 places, black leather. Is modular so you can assemble in 1, 2, or 3 places. Completely comes apart into 3 seats, 2 wedges, and 2 ends. Purchased approx 1.5years ago, paid ~$2200. Now have no room so I need to sell it! On one arm/wedge has some claw marks from the kitten, pics included, camera makes them VERY noticeable so keep that in mind.

Sanyo Super Showerwave Microwave. Works great, just too big for my needs, want a smaller one!
First off FREE STUFF:
Epson CX4200 All-in-one Printer/Scanner/photo printer/copier etc. Works perfect, just needs ink! Pick it up or its garbage!

Ikea Kirp checkmark shelves x2

Wall mounted dish rack, identical to this one except WHITE

For Sale stuff:
Palliser Garrich Theater seating, 3 places, black leather. Is modular so you can assemble in 1, 2, or 3 places. Completely comes apart into 3 seats, 2 wedges, and 2 ends. Purchased approx 1.5years ago, paid ~$2200. Now have no room so I need to sell it! On one arm/wedge has some claw marks from the kitten, pics included, camera makes them VERY noticeable so keep that in mind.

Sanyo Super Showerwave Microwave. Works great, just too big for my needs, want a smaller one!
